Mephisto Genetics USA Store Opening

order was accepted by usps Wednesday and just delivered today. USPS busting ass and getting people their deliveries. Even thought they tried to stop Stan from shipping a lot of packages at once.

3+2 cannacheese
3+2 double grape
3+2 4AM
7+3 toof decay

10 dg x 3bog
5 (cdlc x 3bog) x sour stomper
5 (dg x 3bog ) x sour bubbly

45 seeds figures to right around $4.23 per seed for some of the strongest genetics available. Capable of handling a shit ton of mistakes I throw at them as a new growbro. It definitely makes learning the hobby more forgiving thus rewarding and enjoyable.

thanks @stan_mephisto for selling such a strong genetics line at an insanely cheap price.
Hope I get some of those freebies......find out tomorrow.
I am stoked to see some folks run these 5 (dg x 3bog ) x sour bubbly cause I mean like seriously wtf? Those are like the top3 all in one
Da troof wil set u free!
Next grow
Fugue State
if I get
(cdlc x 3bog) x sour stomper
(dg x 3bog ) x sour bubbly
I am stoked to see some folks run these 5 (dg x 3bog ) x sour bubbly cause I mean like seriously wtf? Those are like the top3 all in one
Top 3 of what? Your opinion of best/most liked strains from majority of growers? Cause I'd arugue a hard no. Double Grape for sure. 3bog doesn't have quite the hype as things like Sour Stomper, Strawberry Nuggets, Walter White, Sour Crack... and the Sour Bubbly was either one of the 1st Illuminautos or freebies so it's not got continuous exposure since it's not there for people to buy as they see fit.
Top 3 of what? Your opinion of best/most liked strains from majority of growers? Cause I'd arugue a hard no. Double Grape for sure. 3bog doesn't have quite the hype as things like Sour Stomper, Strawberry Nuggets, Walter White, Sour Crack... and the Sour Bubbly was either one of the 1st Illuminautos or freebies so it's not got continuous exposure since it's not there for people to buy as they see fit.

Most folk aren't here to argue.
Most folk aren't here to argue.
For real lol. I mean I have the credentials to give my assessment of Mephisto gear for sure. If these weren’t HIS favorite Im sorry, but in MY opinion they are hands down some of their best gear. So as soon as folks have grown 100 or 200 meph plants then you can say my opinion is a hard no lmao.
For real lol. I mean I have the credentials to give my assessment of Mephisto gear for sure. If these weren’t HIS favorite Im sorry, but in MY opinion they are hands down some of their best gear. So as soon as folks have grown 100 or 200 meph plants then you can say my opinion is a hard no lmao. View attachment 1226048
Wow how are you guys getting your orders and mine still says "processing". I'm over here freaking out because I'm moving in 14 days and need my order before then X_X