Last I heard , the plan was to reopen with the release of a new Artisanal, Livers bx1. There isn't a strain description available for that yet (and I expect we'll see one several days before the store opens), but some testers went out in the spring. AFAICT it's one of the Livers/Blues auto strains backcrossed (bx) to the Livers photoperiod cut for even more of its traits, then worked several generations to lock down autoflowering again. That was the only new Artisanal planned for the year, but there have been some other Limiteds, a second wave of Reserva, and new Illuminautos in the works. I don't know whether any of those will be available at reopen, or if they'll be released later this fall/winter or early next year instead. stan posted the potential release list for the year in February, but that was pre-COVID, and its shipping disruptions have pushed a lot of things back several months.