I wonder how long until these are available for sale? I just peeked their website. @Zer0 - Your plant is on their front page!
I am really honored they liked my plant enough to do that, i just wish i didn't burn her so she would look better for future pictures.
Day 126 ( day 41 flower)

I was in the picture taking mood this morning so i snapped a few angles and close ups, the burn on the leafs i guess isn't to ugly and the buds are getting fatter and frosty so I'm happy!

I can't wait to harvest this girl and put a clone replacement in the cage for round 2!!!

I noticed i didn't have a front cage picture so i took another and "tried" a flash picture with lights off, bad quality, sorry didn't want to keep trying and stressing the plant out.

I wonder how long until these are available for sale? I just peeked their website. @Zer0 - Your plant is on their front page!
Were putting the final design tweaks on the cage as we speak! The holidays unfortunately slow everything down, but we're very close to a production model
Were putting the final design tweaks on the cage as we speak! The holidays unfortunately slow everything down, but we're very close to a production model
Lovely. I am looking forward to buying a couple and trying them out.
She's still looking amazing!! A good defoliation and you won't be able to tell
Thanks! I'll do that when i wake up for sure, its about that time for a good defoliation :smoking:

I do have a good clone ready to take the place of my current cage girl when i harvest her. I have 3 other clones but this is one i picked to replace big girl in a few weeks so i can keep showing off your cage :headbang: I'll take measurements and be a better tester on this next plant.

I forgot to add perlite to my peatmoss and garden lime but this clone didn't seem to mind it lol i'll add some when i transplant her to a 5gallon pot

Day 1 transplant

22 days after transplant
Day 128 (43 days in flower) week 6 or so lol

I said i would defoliate when i woke up and i did, 2 hours or so and a sore back later i think i have her looking a little better.

I spun the pot around in the autopot tray to show all sides of the plant it also helped me trim her, I'm happy i can spin the pot in the tray!
i did notice my plant is very heavy and leaning mostly to 1 side causing the cannacage to lean with her, the cage is 100% helping the heavy buds stay up but i was thinking the other side might need to be anchored down. not sure if future units will need to consider anchor points or not but just something i am experiencing and i can solve myself just noting it here.

that lean! lol

Can you guys even tell a difference?