Ummm ...


INTJ & Non-Violent Domestic Extremist
May 20, 2013
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long time no see @Waira ... And as per usual, I've got a good one for ya!

I thought it was just simple nute burn. But that usually presents itself in the tips first, and they are absolutely normal.


I thought maybe CalMag?


But then there's this funky delamination of the leaves again.


Not quite sure what to do.


Photoperiod seeds - The Church CBD by Greenhouse Seeds.
Medium is Coco in Autopots.
Using Nutrifield nutrients ... Coco A + B, and Veg Igniter, with Mammoth P
EC of tap water 0,6
EC of feeding [including tap water] = 1,8
pH of feeding = 6,0
Room temp 26 [+/- 3]
Room humidity ~ 53%RH [+/- 7]
Lights are 2 x 315W CMH @4200K and 3 x 205W COB strips [4 x Cree CBX3590] @ 3500K


Plants have been super sensitive from the get go.
They like it hotter than I'm used to.
Drier than I'm used to.
Hate the fan being on or around them.

Temps below 23 and they sulk - droopy leaves.
Humidity above 60% and they sulk.
Fan on them - they sulk.

Get the picture?
Real princesses.
That looks like Zinc deficiency. Adding micro nutrients should fix it, like Azomite or a bottled micro. It can also be caused by PH issues, commonly too high ph
Here's a guide to nutrient based disease, makes it easier to diagnose without needing specifics ( technique from Read Spear's book: Marijuana cultivation Reconsidered ).

1. Look at the entire plant. If there are no bugs or mold and has spotted leaves, the plant is either over fed or PH is too low.

2. If it has chlorotic leaves at the top of the plant, its a micro nutrient deficiency.

3. If it has chlorotic leaves at the bottom and is traveling up, its a macro nutrient deficiency, ad NPK.

Three problems, 4 fixes:
Adjust ph

add micros

add Macros

repot, or flush.
hmmm ... @pop22 ... You got me thinking now.

pH is something I am obsessive about, so I'm confident that's not the issue.
The Bluelab is regularly calibrated, and comes out EVERY feeding, which is then mixed to pH of 6,0 with OCD precision.

I'd be surprised if it's a micro deficiency, but the leaves don't lie.
I'll give that a try.

Wondering if going for something like Optic Foliar is the way to go, given how highly it is rated.
Other than that, I have a bottle of GH FloraMicro.
foliar may stop it, but I don't see it fixing it
how's this for a random question ...

could this be the result of too much light?

too much light resulting in bulimia?

gorging = nute burn?

reason I ask is the lower leaves on the non-light side ... i.e those in "the shade" are perfect.

those closest to the lights and on the side directly facing the light appear to be the worst affected.

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I've not seen this associated with too much light, I suppose its possible, but if it is, that would only be as an additional issue, I'd say, the intensity of the light, could amplify a nutrient deficiency, but not cause it. What's odd is you say this is only on lower leaves? Light would not play a part in lower leave issues. Lower leaf issues are caused by: nutrient deficiency, which in turn can be a sign of, ph issues in the medium, root problems, or pests. What medium are you using? if not hydro, have you done a runoff test? checked for root aphids? I am now suspecting something along these lines, those leave look to show multiple deficiencies, common with root problems. The curve ball in this is it being on one side of the plant.... very unusual, makes no sense.

If it were me, and they were this fussy, I'd can them and start over with something else.
What's odd is you say this is only on lower leaves? Light would not play a part in lower leave issues.
The curve ball in this is it being on one side of the plant.... very unusual, makes no sense.

If it were me, and they were this fussy, I'd can them and start over with something else.

Noooo no no.
Sorry @pop22 - maybe I didn't make it crystal clear.

The lower leaves, on the non-light side - i.e. In the "shade", are PERFECT.
As in, awesome shade of darker healthy green, with zero discolouration.
Not a hint of an issue.
Text book beautiful leaves.

The MOST affected are the upper leaves, leaves closer to the light, and/or fully exposed to the light.

So it MIGHT be a coincidence - correlation is not causation - but anecdotal evidence would suggest that light is a factor.
How, or why, and to what extent, is unclear.

Maybe - just maybe - its foliar feeding nute burn, or light burn/bleaching.
I'm clutching at hemp straws.

I've raised the lights, and added GH FloraMicro to the feeding, as well as lowered it to EC 1,7.
well, you've got me stumped, I'm not afraid to admit! I'll follow along and see how this goes
well, you've got me stumped, I'm not afraid to admit! I'll follow along and see how this goes

It's frying my head too.

The structure is great.
The roots are spectacular.
The growth doesn't seem retarded in any way.

It's just these damn, fugly leaves with SERIOUS discolouration and potentially terminal disease.

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