New Grower TxRebel 1st grow Gelato from Fastbuds

Ok I read up on apical dominance (hope that’s correct term :shrug:) but I noticed 1 branch trying to growtaller on double ugly and pulled it down and noticed a previously wimpy branch started getting stronger so I gave her a new hairstyle with the tie down tonight!!
i'm a total noob and doing a test grow. unkown seed...was told it was autoflower. been in veg for 83 days now. anyway i saw this promo for NFTG. Just pay shipping and they will send you a starter kit. $29 for $300 worth of nutes sounds good to me. So i was wondering what medium to use with NFTG? I plan on doing autoflowers. Was also thinking about A Pot for Pot soil kit. I'm open to all suggestions.
i'm a total noob and doing a test grow. unkown seed...was told it was autoflower. been in veg for 83 days now. anyway i saw this promo for NFTG. Just pay shipping and they will send you a starter kit. $29 for $300 worth of nutes sounds good to me. So i was wondering what medium to use with NFTG? I plan on doing autoflowers. Was also thinking about A Pot for Pot soil kit. I'm open to all suggestions.
Either soil or coco but coco’s more difficult and requires more attention on beginners! And u get 6 32oz bottles n a 16oz foliar spray (BUT DONT USE TIL U R EXPERIENCED AT GROWING AMD KNOWING THE NECTAR LINE) and 16oz of basically a ph up from lime not chemicals! Def good stuff so glad I hotness them! On my 1st page of this journal is a pic of sample pack! It’s not $300 worth it’s only $240ish for full line of like 13 or so products but worth more than the shipping cost! I paid $36 from Oregon to Texas and they replaced when UPS damaged during shipping! And owner stands behind his stuff BIG TIME! Good Luck n have fun!
PS: NEVER HEARD OF AN AUTO THAT AFTER THAT LONG IS STILL IN VEG!! U got Pre flowers even yet?? If not u may wanna switch to 12/12 lights and see if flowers start! Just a thought!
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They look happy, Tx!
Thanks buddy def less crammed in! Got bigger dehumidifier so hoping it works but if being on floor doesn’t need do it I’m gonna return and Payne diff for ac infinity t4 in-line fan that’ll control high/low temp and humidity!