Twisted Tree

These are some crosses I made all feminized. The biggest is a mulled and twisted crossed with a daylight express. The next biggest are the same. The smaller ones are twisted cookie and daylight express
The big plant has had all the colas removed as they were done this is all the smaller pop corn buds finishing.
3 gal pots,Pro Mix, light at 30" 0n 20-4. Hope to have much success. What kind of nutes do you run?
All i do is add a hand full of bone meal Epson salts and a hand full of tomato fert. to the bottom half of the soil and mix it in good. Then top off the soil and add water to a small spot. Make a small hole and drop seed in and cover with a clear plastic cup and wait for mother nature to do her thing. Then its just water unless i run into issues. I water about every 2 days and not alot as they grow they will need more water. Make sure not to water seedlings to much and always water to the outside of the leaf canopy it makes the roots search for water and grow.
What I did with the few plants Ive done is wait till about week 3 then top dress with Black Kow. Then water only. It seems to work pretty good. The Black Kow is at Lowes for 5 bux a bag. Should last a good long time! Its NPK is .5-.5-.5 seems just enough to get the girls though till finish. Learning as I go............
Two Twisted Cookies & a Nova. Love these genetics.
2L Soda bottes, FFOF & Stawberry Field to start, now Megacrop 1 part, BudgetLED 250W full spec light. Days 64 & 69 for the cookies, day 61 for the Nova.

Twisted Cookies

I don't have any experience w/Roots Organic. Looks like a soilless medium, which will provide its own challenge. They grew just fine in a mix of FFOF & FFstrawvberry field. Both of which many consider too hot. I think the mistake most people use with highly amended mediums, is they start adding their own nutes way too soon. depending on plant, and size of pot, you should need to start adding nutes until around week 4. If i am using Dr Earth to top dress, i'll usually add it at 3 1/2 week, knowing that FF soils start showing signs of deficiency between weeks 4-5, as least in my cabinet. If i am using salt based, megacrop for me, and i am still learning w/it, I wait until i see them start to look a little less green. Then I start the MC at 250-300ppm and see how the react.
Sad news coming out of Twisted trees . They've lost everything in a fire. All their seeds and plants. If anyone has Twisted trees seeds they are appealing for people to sell t them back so they can restart their breeding. Time for our community to stand up and help this great breeder.