twenty20 TWENTY20 MENDOCINO Purple Biscauto - showcase

bushmasterar15 update#5
  • Couldn't remember if I posted individual pics. But here are the two biscauto that are in the back. I did get some LST training going to keep them opened up.
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    nizmoKush update#11
  • I am definitely dumping the soil out and work it a bit cuz i think it's getting packed in the bottom with all the castings..
    Day 49 #1

    Day 39 #2


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    F.N. update#3
  • Here is my three biscauto's come along nice. They should be producers of copious amounts of trichome glaiden nuggets of joy.


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    YoungGrassh0pper update#10
  • Day 50 for my PB. She’s slowly going through her flower stage the same way she took her time through veg. Does look like I may have a Mag toxicity problem, maybe? Tap water is on the hard side (~250ppm with blue boogie filter), so I’m thinking I may need to lower my Bud Explosion (5g in 5gal of water) or sub out some tap water with spring water.

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    wwwillie update#9
  • Hey Mow,
    Wowsers! This kids packing it on!! She’s been pushing out buds like crazy. Getting excited to see where she grows from here.

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    Sour D update#6
  • Day 32 for the Biscautos. Really filling up the space. Thinking I may need to build a platform in the front so I can pull em away from the back wall. Then maybe add another sp150 light for flower. The girl on the right seems a little weaker than the left, but hey, not everyone is 6'3".

    20210721_8424-PB-1 copy.jpg
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    LoveDaAutos update#2
  • Purple Biscauto update.

    I'm really counting on this tiny thing to live and flourish. If she doesn't make it, and I'm going to remain confident she will, I have only one PB seed left. Photo taken just minutes ago. Hopefully by this time tomorrow she will be standing up straight and her leaves will be opened fully. Her membrane upon close inspection appears to be off. It's up to the seedling now.
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    DCLXVI update#9
  • Day 36 : 7/23

    Just a couple shots. Nothing is edited, just cropped and tagged. Old man with a point and shoot and a tripod.These are really something. @Twenty20 Adam - Will these turn purple at some point?


    Getting frosty already? I cannot believe it.


    One plant got staked out a bit today. Full update in the grow thread.

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    The^Dude update#6
  • Day 37, stretttttcch. She looks happy so far, would like the light closer, but wouldn’t we all. I think she’s enjoying the extra root space, she can explore the 65 gallon pot under her 5 gal.
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    bushmasterar15 update#6
  • Well here is a quick update on day 56 for the Purple Biscautos while I'm waiting for them to schedule my other surgery. One is farther along then the other.
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