twenty20 TWENTY20 MENDOCINO Purple Biscauto - showcase

bushmasterar15 update#3
  • Day 23 on the Purple Biscauto one has started preflower and stretching while other is staying tight right now. Now to wait and see what they will turn into. Remember I'm only running a 16/8 light schedule running these FTG Lighting Infinity Boards as my last run at about 16hrs in they were ready to sleep.
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    wwwillie update#6
  • Hey Now, here’s a recent update for you. Nice looking girl here, starting to flower and stretch.
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    YoungGrassh0pper update#6
  • Day 29, she finally started preflowering the other day. She’s been getting nothing but some LST and leaf tucking, until I accidentally snapped a leaf while tucking. Been dealing with this heat, but she is doing fine.

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    YoungGrassh0pper update#7
  • Moved the big girls out the tent, more room for the lil ones :smoking: .

    Go-Go on the left, Purple Biscauto on the right

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    St. Tom update#2
  • update no1 for my 2 youngsters i wish i could of started them earlier but here they are in all their glory in their temporary home and from here they will both be going in auto pots around day 10 ish
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    F.N. update#2
  • Here is my four biscauto I don't usually transplant but to get a bail of prom mix I had to drive to the closest city lol which is 160 miles round trip that was a first.
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