twenty20 TWENTY20 MENDOCINO Go Go ( auto) showcase

Following Adam's comments above, I did a bit of scarification with a nail file on the two fattest Auto Go-Go beans.
Then, on to soak for 12 hours.
I'm prepping some nice coco coir overnight.
Will have these beans in their starter pots tomorrow morning.

Ended up about 18 hours on the soak.
They are now in a couple of small pots with about 50% coco, 30% compost, and 20% worm castings.
Sitting in the lovely afternoon sun.
With this weather, I think they can live their whole lives outdoors.
No need to bring inside and put on the window.
Outside has been sun coverage anyway.
And we are off! Go go into a shot glass of water for a 24 hour soak. Happy growing all! :thumbsup:
I'm so anxious to get started with the Go-Go and Purple Biscue auto seeds that I was outside yesterday mixing up a brand new batch of homemade promix in a driving rain storm. But as bad as that may sound when you think about it I had the big guy himself watering the mix for me. I have to wait a week to check the pH level and if it's in the 5.8 range I'm off an running. I hope everyone has 100% success germinating your seeds. Scarify them very well and you'll have some scrummy babies in no time.
I'm so anxious to get started with the Go-Go and Purple Biscue auto seeds that I was outside yesterday mixing up a brand new batch of homemade promix in a driving rain storm. But as bad as that may sound when you think about it I had the big guy himself watering the mix for me. I have to wait a week to check the pH level and if it's in the 5.8 range I'm off an running. I hope everyone has 100% success germinating your seeds. Scarify them very well and you'll have some scrummy babies in no time.
Shake dem beans in some rolled up sandpaper and take the 'sheen' off.
I roll up some 120 grit sandpaper and slide it down into a cigar plastic tube. Drop in a seed or seeds put on the top and shake shake shake. It removes the dried resin that forms on the outside of the shells which allows moisture to penetrate and trigger the seed to start growing.
Scarify them very well and you'll have some scrummy babies in no time.

Shake dem beans in some rolled up sandpaper and take the 'sheen' off.

I roll up some 120 grit sandpaper and slide it down into a cigar plastic tube. Drop in a seed or seeds put on the top and shake shake shake. It removes the dried resin that forms on the outside of the shells which allows moisture to penetrate and trigger the seed to start growing.

You guys are all scarifying, too, huh?
Nail file for me, on the ridge a little and on the round casing too.
I think mine are just about to pop up out of the soil.
Is that ... four days already?
Sounds about right for temps around here.
Shiva's Mistress update#1
Shiva's Mistress: Twenty20 Vision Quest!

Auto Go-Go, Day 1 Up from the Soil! -- 2021 June 11 at 09:00

Hola AFN familia!

After maybe 6 to 7 days of incubation, these two little Auto Go-Go babies have finally shown their faces to the world!
20210611 SM Twenty20 Auto Go-Go.jpg


Here they are waiting for the sun to show from behind the clouds:

The medium is about 40% coco coir, 40% compost, and 20% worm castings.

Love and hugs,
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