twenty20 TWENTY20 MENDOCINO Go Go ( auto) showcase

Gogo number 2 alive and into half as much soil as her sister.. around 12L of Plagron light mix..

So we have 1 on day 1 and one on day 10.
Update #3 @Trichome farmer and @Twenty20 Adam
Well, shame on me. For sure, I fried my babies. I got a beautiful 100% germination rate, then I put the eight gals under a light which was way-far too intense for their new-born age. After a couple of days I realized something was wrong, and then using a light meter made it all clear. Now, on day 13, I'm lucky that any have survived. I've got 4 that will likely make it, but the growth will be very delayed, and maybe never recover properly. Of the four Go-Gos. #4 is for totally dead and gone, #3 is struggling, and #'s 1 & 2 will probably survive.


Of my two Glue-Sniffers and two Snow-Gs, I've lost one of each. With any luck the remaining survivor of each will hang in there.

13.others a.JPG

My apologies, Adam, for such stupidity on my part. Finally using a light meter has shown me the error of my ways. I won't be making this mistake again.
Update #3 @Trichome farmer and @Twenty20 Adam
Well, shame on me. For sure, I fried my babies. I got a beautiful 100% germination rate, then I put the eight gals under a light which was way-far too intense for their new-born age. After a couple of days I realized something was wrong, and then using a light meter made it all clear. Now, on day 13, I'm lucky that any have survived. I've got 4 that will likely make it, but the growth will be very delayed, and maybe never recover properly. Of the four Go-Gos. #4 is for totally dead and gone, #3 is struggling, and #'s 1 & 2 will probably survive.

View attachment 1342845

Of my two Glue-Sniffers and two Snow-Gs, I've lost one of each. With any luck the remaining survivor of each will hang in there.

View attachment 1342846

My apologies, Adam, for such stupidity on my part. Finally using a light meter has shown me the error of my ways. I won't be making this mistake again.
I bet they'll be fine! Looking better already!
hope2grow update#4
Gogo x 2.. day 3

Day 12..

Plain sailing so far.. older lady just started on AN sensi grow @ 1ml/L yesterday. And some garlic additive to try and discourage the bugs!! :cuss:
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MR magoo#update 7
@Twenty20 Adam fed Go Go autos again today. one is really looking good. :thumbsup: the other? not doing well.:shrug: i will describe what is going on.
Dark gray patches on new growth. turns brown and dry after a day. ??? i have never seen this before? any Ideas anyone?
i am afraid it will contaminate the other one? at the same time, i want to see what happens.
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