“OG meph_head”
We'll give that a try. Thanks
It wasn't saturated but not totally dry either. I think I'm going to get a new tester.Yeah, seems a touch high for early on, are you testing dry or wet?
I have found that my lowest pH's are when the soil is saturated and
then highest when the pot is dried out.
Yes, I have a probe tester and I'm going to get a new one because I suspect it's off. I'll be putting up photos later. Here's what's happened since that post. A friend told me he thought this was from thrips. I examined the leaves and couldn't find any evidence of any insects on either side of the leaves but I went ahead and did a foliar spray and soil treatment with Azamax to be safe because I've dealt with thrips before. The 2 most affected leaves were quite dried up the next morning, I suspect a reaction to the foliar spray. I removed the 2 leaves. There's a bit of damage on another leaf but not bad. Over all nothing more has happened and it looks quite well now. All my other plants are fine. You are correct that new growth is fine. There were no temperature changes. I'll get some photos up shortly . Thanks Waira:smoking: Hi Marga' -- This happened overnight basically, right? Pretty weird symptoms for's not a light bleaching thing, and it fits no defc. either, such symptoms wouldn't manifest this fast, but a pH twitching sure can!...Hmmmm, barring some bizarre temp drop overnight, i.e., a cold draft, which I'm betting is out, it does resemble something called mesophyll cell collapse (tissues between the upper/lower epidermal layers), which is caused by such sudden cold spells,...but that's always associated with a distinct thinning, or collapse, of the discolored areas,... doesn't look like it to me,... are the leaf bottoms looking the same? ....this aside, most likely suspect is some sort of pH SNAFU, localized to just that pot,... I know you're a careful manager of things, and your soils are solid, so this has me wondering about your equipment,... Are you using an actual soil pH probe of some type? Your liquid tester certainly can get mucked up with residual hazes from nute' soln.'s, adn/or just plain wear out, damaged,... Anyway, I've seen this before, but never had a solid confirmation of what caused it,...the plant usually marches right on... newest growth look just fine, right? .... it's not that funky seedling color patching thing that pops up now and again, since that starts from first leaves right off the bat,... So, let me know what you see under the leaves, and the age of your pH probe, any trauma it might have experienced, that sort of thing,...![]()
I had thrips twice and the leaves didn't have the silvery splotches and I saw nothing in the way of insects or insect debris, but he was pretty confident of them and I was planning on a soil treatment anyways for the others. Yes on the accurate 8. I'm going to check out others. I appreciate you looking in....great Is it an Accurate 8? For the money, they're pretty good, but given the dicey manufacturing quality from whatever Chinese factory they get cranked out of,...and that they're rather low tech!
-- but worlds better than run-off testing, which I dislike because it's has several sources of inherent measurement error, though there's a decent procedure sticky posted in the Infirmary......Yeah, knowing you, I figured the temps were just fine,...
... Thrips are absolutely out, they're damage looks nothing like that at all,...and more often than not, it's on the upper surfaces... Thrips are an ongoing war with me, on my OD girls, so I'm something of a veteran concerning them!'s some pics of typical damage,...
....Ah--new pics! yeah, I see the discolored zones went necrotic, and the others withered out too, you say? Likely, the Aza' just speed that process along is all,... it's smacking more and more of a pH snafu my friend,...weird stuff happens, even with consistently fine growers like yourself! Most important is that no further symptoms occurring, and the plant is back to bizz as usual,.... if you like, check out the symptom pic depot I put together here--