Outdoor Treetop Auto Grow - First Time Grow

Mar 15, 2017
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Hey Buds, First time grower here. I plan on doing a treetop grow for a few autoflowers. I have done a lot of research myself, but am always looking for mentors/vets to ask questions to.

I am pretty new to the forum and haven't seen much about treetop growing and thought I would start this thread about my plans and hopefully keep up as a journal.

I am still in the planning stage, I hope to get the seeds in the pots by the end of May.

What I have questions on:

1. Soil....What is a good brand I should look for and what is everything I put in the pot prior to the seed. This is somewhere I am looking for some advice for a outdoor grow in a northern midwest climate.

2. Strain...I am looking for a strain that is good for outdoors, can handle the climate and is good for a beginner. If you have suggestions on different strains or sellers I should be looking at, I would be grateful.

3. Anyone have advice on treetop growing? I know it probably isn't the most convenient for my first time, but it's what I have to work with.

Any other advice or pointers or items you want to put forward, please do! I would appreciate anything and everything.

With the right mix no. At most just teas of batguano or other organic things. Great threads on organic soils.

"carpe diem"
I think mephisto has a tablet you put into the soil and then just water they say one tablet for a whole auto grow . I will get back to you with a link for the homemade soil mix it is best in larger containers though.

"carpe diem"
Check in forums specialised growing should find a mix there

"carpe diem"
Thanks for the info. I found a good organic soil it sounds like, but the only problem I have is that it says I shouldn't plant directly into the soil.. I don't have the option to start the grow process prior to putting in final pot. Is there another route you would recommend?
Mix a lighter soil mix on top for instance a seedling starter mix.
Thanks for the info. I found a good organic soil it sounds like, but the only problem I have is that it says I shouldn't plant directly into the soil.. I don't have the option to start the grow process prior to putting in final pot. Is there another route you would recommend?
Try the fertilizer tabs from mephisto for this run .

"carpe diem"