Dragon Meds Trap's 2X Multipot - Cheesus & E.T. Dragons


Rocky Mountain...High
Apr 14, 2014
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Okay Fellow AFN'ers - It's HIGH Time Trapper grew some Dragons!

:GoooAuto::GoooAuto::GoooAuto::GoooAuto: :GoooAuto::GoooAuto::GoooAuto::GoooAuto:


This will be a little of an off-beat journal beginning because, for this grow and to increase my ability to perpetual 6 plants, I have set up a starter
tent independent of my main tent and I want to document the build/set-up :) So bear with me...

The space available :)

This is in a garage that is insulated but not heated and the back wall of the cab is exterior
on the other side. These towels are hung hanging away from the wall surface by about 3/8's
of an inch, which will create a small air space that will be easier to keep warm and insulate
the tent itself from the winter weather & nighttime temperatures. :)

18 x 30 x 36 Tent came with a carrying case...LOL!

There yah have it :)

So - Semi-active intake to go along with this passive exhaust...

intake from below leading to colder air...

For the Power -

intake routed and secure -

Exhaust (up top right) secured -

Full bottom plastic bin/drip tray -

Intake comes in just over the lip of the bin -

Powered up for temp tests -

fan in place just over intake (and pointing towards exhaust) -

snug fit :) -

Shop closed up -

So the hope is to get about 21-25 days out of this cab, be able to cull the males and hopefully
get a female from each strain...grow them in here as long as they will fit or there's room
in the main tent.

NEXT UP: germing pics using the PATENTED "Tao of Germination" by Ronin :) But I gotta take a web break
and go cut down some airpots (more on that too...) :)

Cheers All!
Sweet......................... cute-alien-waving-hi-smiley-emoticon.gif
Trap you build the best little grow shops. All stealth and neat.
You know I'm subbed for the ride."Munch..munch..munch
Nice little set up Trap...good luck with the grow..:Sharing One:
Sweet.........................View attachment 396896

An honor, my good Sir.... :)

Trap you build the best little grow shops. All stealth and neat.

Thanks! I'm just trying to keep it functional and discreet...

You know I'm subbed for the ride."Munch..munch..munch

Welcome aboard, my friend :)

Nice little set up Trap...good luck with the grow..:Sharing One:

Thanks, Duggy... I'll TAKE that luck :)
Germing 8 regulars the Ronin Way :)

Cutting them up into individuals -

Got the gear at the ready...I did add a step and scuffed the beans a bit with a sandpaper tube. :)

Forget to shoot the E.T. beans...to excited.

On the heat...

...as to those airpots.

Here we have 2X 3 gal. equiv. airpots cut down to 8.5 inches tall. Same height as the 2 gal. equiv.s BUT 2 gal. airpots only hold 1.6 gal. and these will
carry just a little over 2 actual gallons...while being shorter (available grow space in 36" tent) and larger diameter (more room to breath on a multi-pot grow)

:) At least thats the game plan...and they still fit in a normal 12" drip tray over in the main tent.

Cheers All! :)
Crackin wee space Trap.. great skillz ;) that 6 plant perpetual's gettin closer!! Hope she does the biz for ya man :cool:
Thank you, Mon! ;)
I wish I had a garage and the tools + know how to do stuff like this. Great little setup man.