There are many ways to start seeds. I start a lot of them so I will tell youmy way. Others will have great ways of starting them and I will let them tell you their methods.
Y PELLETS. . You just soak them in some water, about 1/2 " of water in a pie plate works well. They expand up to about 5- 10 times there original size.squeeze out not dry but not soaked either I poke a little hole in the middle of the puck about 3/8 of an inch deep with a pencil and drop the seed into the hole.(RAPID ROOTER ALREADY HAS HOLE) Then I close the hole up with a side piece of the pellet or rooter. It is a good idea to keep a spray bottle handy with some water in it so the pellets rooters don't dry out. They should always feel damp but not dripping wet.
I put my seeded pellets/RR into a covered seed starting tray. I use a plant heating pad to keep the tray warm about 80 degrees F works well. Any warm place will really do like on a radiator with an oven tray underneath them as long as the radiator doesn't get two hot to the touch. Don't overheat and keep them there until they sprout. After they sprout I add about 10% coffee to the water to prevent damping off. Others will suggest other damping off solutions. They probably work just as well but I just use coffee. No fertilizers for the first two weeks until the sprouts start to put on leaves. After they put on leaves you can start to plant them in whatever media you are going to use.
I have had problems with planting directly into soil. I have also used peat pots with pro mix and that works well also. I just hate ripping the bottoms off the pots as the roots don't penetrate the bottom as well as they do with Jiffy pucks. Maybe some of the others like Muddy will weigh in he always has good advice.
i got this info from(Nelson) it worked well for me hopefully if you choose this rout it will work out for you to its a pretty good germ rate with this method it;s what akot of people on here use PS.....i never used the coffee or any other dampining method and i do just fine so if your looking for succesful and easy just forget the coffee part in my opinon you could also ask muddy or joe dirt but im sure they will tell you something similar
I put my seeded pellets/RR into a covered seed starting tray. I use a plant heating pad to keep the tray warm about 80 degrees F works well. Any warm place will really do like on a radiator with an oven tray underneath them as long as the radiator doesn't get two hot to the touch. Don't overheat and keep them there until they sprout. After they sprout I add about 10% coffee to the water to prevent damping off. Others will suggest other damping off solutions. They probably work just as well but I just use coffee. No fertilizers for the first two weeks until the sprouts start to put on leaves. After they put on leaves you can start to plant them in whatever media you are going to use.
I have had problems with planting directly into soil. I have also used peat pots with pro mix and that works well also. I just hate ripping the bottoms off the pots as the roots don't penetrate the bottom as well as they do with Jiffy pucks. Maybe some of the others like Muddy will weigh in he always has good advice.
i got this info from(Nelson) it worked well for me hopefully if you choose this rout it will work out for you to its a pretty good germ rate with this method it;s what akot of people on here use PS.....i never used the coffee or any other dampining method and i do just fine so if your looking for succesful and easy just forget the coffee part in my opinon you could also ask muddy or joe dirt but im sure they will tell you something similar
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