alcohol will extract the cannabinoids from bud, leaf and can then be used as is or evaporated away to get a tar like cannabis oil....however with cannabis roots there is not much that will be extracted using alcohol, IME and to my knowledge [I could be wrong...if so speak up....I'm always willing to learn
As a rule fats, oils and alcohol-like solvents [butane, hexane, isopropynol, even high proof drinking alcohols...and more....this is by far not a complete list!] will extract or absorb cannabinoids, from all of the plant except the roots...oils and fats WILL extract from the it's more a matter of preference, availability and what you intend to use the final product for.
One could use the infused oil or fat neat, as is....or one could add thickening agents to make anything from something as soft as jelly [jell-o] to a hard paste...[a paste made from cannabis root is an old tried and true recipe from waaay back when] can also add cannabinoids extracted via solvents to honey, evaporate it off and have a cannabinoid in honey suspension....and theoretically keep adding more infused solvent to the honey, evapping it off and increasing the cannabinoid to honey ratio, loading it quite heavily....again, it's a matter of preference, use and availability.
I use co-co nut oil for my balm because it is made of medium and short chain triglyserides....they absorb very fast into the skin....emu oil absorbs even faster! ....I use an olive oil base for my doggy products so it will stick on and absorb in the doggy balm I add pure beeswax to thicken it, but it is just as viable to use straight infused olive oil as a massage oil also.
one might even use bacon fat!
of might get licked to death by dogs when going for a walk!

As a rule fats, oils and alcohol-like solvents [butane, hexane, isopropynol, even high proof drinking alcohols...and more....this is by far not a complete list!] will extract or absorb cannabinoids, from all of the plant except the roots...oils and fats WILL extract from the it's more a matter of preference, availability and what you intend to use the final product for.
One could use the infused oil or fat neat, as is....or one could add thickening agents to make anything from something as soft as jelly [jell-o] to a hard paste...[a paste made from cannabis root is an old tried and true recipe from waaay back when] can also add cannabinoids extracted via solvents to honey, evaporate it off and have a cannabinoid in honey suspension....and theoretically keep adding more infused solvent to the honey, evapping it off and increasing the cannabinoid to honey ratio, loading it quite heavily....again, it's a matter of preference, use and availability.
I use co-co nut oil for my balm because it is made of medium and short chain triglyserides....they absorb very fast into the skin....emu oil absorbs even faster! ....I use an olive oil base for my doggy products so it will stick on and absorb in the doggy balm I add pure beeswax to thicken it, but it is just as viable to use straight infused olive oil as a massage oil also.
one might even use bacon fat!

of might get licked to death by dogs when going for a walk!

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