Dutch Passion Top, Supercrop and LST Think Different?

Mar 23, 2013
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Hey guys,

I've searched around and couldn't find anything on Topping or Supercropping Think Different. I'm also interested in other DP strains too as I've fallen in love with my TD.

I currently have 2 TD ladies at day 40 and I've just been drooling over the thought of a TD with multiple main colas and branches. I'm currently doing some fairly mild LST, which is working well to expose the majority of bud sites all over the plant(s).

Anyway, I was just wanting to get some input/ideas. Sorry if this has been covered before... :confused:

PS: Got my S4 today and had to share this photo of some Sweet Skunk I've got under way too... Mmm Shiny!! :jump:



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Hey Leaf Tucker, welcome to AFN and the DP section, you will be one of many to fall in love with the TD she is one sexy lady that delivers execptionally!!! I am including a link to the LST hub here on AFN that goes over Basic LST info as well as some pics of what members are doing. I have not seen too much super cropping or topping, though it has been done. Why not run an experimente to see if you can show its effectiveness.

Hey Leaf Tucker, I'm pretty sure though don't quote me on it, (if I'm sure there are plenty more on here way more qualified to answer you than I am) if you top it or super crop it you'll shock your plant and won't get much more growth, autos I've heard can be quite sensitive so it's best to scrog early or LST the hell out of her early, the ladies love getting tied down, if you're wanting multiple colas.

I'm at about day 47 from popping with my Think Different and I've been manually doing mild LST on her, I did want to do a scrog but by the time I'd got the garden twine to put her in bondage she'd already stretched.

Post some pics of your Think dif and let us all see how she's coming along, it's always good to compare, whose got the biggest dick and all that garbage lol.

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Hey Leaf Tucker.... Hell yes super-crop away there fella, DP genetics are bullet proof in my opinion. I've super-cropped AutoXtreme, Think Different, StarRyder, Blue AutoMazar & AutoMazar. Also have a topped TD going ATM and we'll have the results in a couple of weeks. The healing process with autos is amazing they heal and grow at the same time, something in the rudy genetics i think...a little unseen bonus if you like...these plants can take some serious stress and in return give you more bud...I recommend a combination of LST and super-cropping. So what can they take...How about this...snapped right as the base almost.


A week later it looked like this.


And it kept growing at a rate of knots, the plant now stands just under a meter tall and is carrying more bud than the plant that wasn't snapped at the base.

Also with photos they say never super-crop while in flower...well with DP autos this is not the case, even if you do it late into flower, they again reward you with phat pool ball ends, like this....


When at all possible you want to LST or Super-Crop the top main stem of the plant below the side branches, to stop the apical dominance, that way the rest of the buds can become main colas. Also a great way to maintain an even canopy.

hope this helps my good man :D
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Well there you go someone more informed than me lol I thought cuz of autos relatively short life span they wouldn't have enough time to recover from the shock, but as hazy's shown it seems they're a lot more hardy than I thought.

Didn't realise this thread was as old as it is when I replied, thought we were around the same point in our grows, how'd your TD turn out dude and have you got any pics, I want to see how mine holds up against others around the same point so I can get a better judge of where I'm at and how long she's got left.

hey hazy I'm in the same club.. the lst / trimming club..... ganjageeza don't listen to the negatives about trimming, listen to the positives!
hey hazy I'm in the same club.. the lst / trimming club..... ganjageeza don't listen to the negatives about trimming, listen to the positives!

I've just been checking hazys thread out and I see the positives, I just thought autos were too sensitive and too short a life span to recover in time, used to top my photo strains twice nice'n'early so they had 4 main colas but didn't want to risk stunting or shocking my TD.

I'm at day 48 check out my grow, do you reckon it's to late to give her a hair cut, you know how women are with their hair, don't wanna upset her now lol.
