Too wet, too dry, too hot, too bright? Seedling issues. TLO indoor grow.

:smoking:It's a busy time of year mate, expect delays.....

Symptoms are lack in part of food in general, BB Light is very low in this.... you need to feed mildly while the roots reach the main soil, which you say is areal-deal TLO?
T and RH% at extremes are a problem for seedlings,... low RH%, high T can cause distortions of leaves, magnified by lack of food....
At this stage clover is something of a competitor for foods I imagine,... I don't so this cover crop thing, isn't that supposed to get started later after the plant has set some deeper roots?
Seedlings want consistent even moisture, which can be a pain I know at this stage,.. using the mister is good to spot water when the rest of the soil is still OK,... Lower light intensity too,...
pH is out of range, organic or not,... low to mid 6's is where you want both in-pot and water/feeds solution pH to be.... you can use citric acid as a mild pH down. Organics are less prone to go off pH, and perfectly functioning TLO may be "fully self adjusting", as long as the water isn't very hard which over time may drive it up from mineral inputs (CaCO3) .... regardless, look into getting a soil pH probe, like the Accurate 8 or a more $ Blue Labs unit.... Never be complacent about pH!
BOOM! Many, Many thanks to all for stepping in!
@Arthur GODDAMN RH! :D Good call! I had been misting the inside tent wall a couple of times a day which raised the RH but clearly only for a very short time. I honestly thought I could get away with that for some reason.... Girls have been domed & after 12hrs the Critical is already starting to look a bit happier with herself.
T and RH% at extremes are a problem for seedlings,... low RH%, high T can cause distortions of leaves, magnified by lack of food....
I think you nailed it right there. High temps, low RH .... never had to think of this growing outdoors :D
I'll get on the PH situation now I've tackled the RH.
I planted the clover as I only had about 10 days with the soil before I popped those beans in. My theory was the clover seedlings would stimulate the life in the soil & give it a bit of a jump start.
As for my soil, "real deal tlo"? maybe... The soil has the potential to be TLO but the pots are small which I guess makes it harder for a complex micro eco system to establish & maintain itself. I don't intend on using any bottled organic ferts. Everything is already in the soil but I may top dress if I think they need it going into flower.

Thanks again everyone :)
Either it's a "water only" by maker decree, or it's not,.... KIS, SoHum are such soils,.... Small volume is an issue even if it is, mostly about the limited total nutrient supply in there. Top dressing can help, but even so you may need to use supplemental feeding if you want best results,.. time will tell!
Droopy seedlings are usually drowning. I usually put some holes in the medium with a pencil and put a fan aimed at the bottom of the pot. Seems to help me!

I'm with these guys. Too much water. I was and still am to some extent paranoid about over watering. I didn't start making a ring around the seedlings with anything other than a spray bottle until 2wks. And that was every 2-3 days.
Either it's a "water only" by maker decree, or it's not,.... KIS, SoHum are such soils,.... Small volume is an issue even if it is, mostly about the limited total nutrient supply in there. Top dressing can help, but even so you may need to use supplemental feeding if you want best results,.. time will tell!

To be fair, the producer of the soil recommended not to PH & only to use filtered water, which was my original intention. On the other hand, they also recommend one plant per 40L / 10gallon pot which i'm obviously not doing... I'd really rather avoid faffing about with PHing, if Its a viable option.
I have a pretty balanced top dressing that came from the same place the soil did (link below). also, some liquid kelp. I have some BatSpecial compost left over & the TNC Mycorr bacteria/fungi powder that i'm planning on doing a compost tea with at some point.

Symptoms are lack in part of food in general, BB Light is very low in this....

Should I be adding a little something now to boost health & growth?

The Critical in the 2gal has responded really well since upping the RH. She's standing taller, leaves are pointing in the right direction & has some new growth. She's still a little pale however.

The Green Crack in the 5gallon hasn't done very much. Leaves aren't as droopy but she's clearly stalled a lot harder than the Critical. The bigger pot must be holding more moisture & it's just taking longer for her to dry out.
I started 2 more off in 2 gallon pots just incase.

Dry amendment:

(basically contains the following:
Charge (insect frass)
Fish Meal)
To be fair, the producer of the soil recommended not to PH & only to use filtered water, which was my original intention. On the other hand, they also recommend one plant per 40L / 10gallon pot which i'm obviously not doing... I'd really rather avoid faffing about with PHing, if Its a viable option.
I have a pretty balanced top dressing that came from the same place the soil did (link below). also, some liquid kelp. I have some BatSpecial compost left over & the TNC Mycorr bacteria/fungi powder that i'm planning on doing a compost tea with at some point.
:smoking:--- what matters most about your water is it's hardness, CaCO3 content... an EC/TDS reading on that will clear some things up for sure.... naturally the soil has some buffering capacity, and a robust soil herd can help that even more... But my point is that, for example, if you have 8.1pH, 380+ppm water going in unaltered, or cut down with RO/Di water, that cumulative input of heavy pH altering minerals is very likely going to start to drive in-pot pH up eventually, to say nothing of the ionic load it brings which will interfere with nutrient availability and uptake.... I had to do this very thing since the tap water was very hard this last season... Hard enough to force me to cut it half with low ppm drinking water (self-fill unit, cheap!)....So, find out about your tap water's ppm's for starters,... If it's good water, then right, no need to adjust it...

Should I be adding a little something now to boost health & growth?
--- yeah, give her some mild feeds meantime....