Too wet, too dry, too hot, too bright? Seedling issues. TLO indoor grow.

Apr 3, 2019
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Greetings all.
I've got some droopy-ass seedlings at the moment. Both different strains from different breeders in different sized pots.
Firstly, Auto Green Crack from Fastbuds in a 5 gal pot. 92cm (36.2inch) from light.
She's on day 12 & looks like this:
20190928_061735.jpg 20190928_061637.jpg 20190928_061742.jpg

Secondly, Auto Critical from Royal Seeds in a 2 gal pot. 98cm (38.5inch) from light.
She's clearly handling the environment better than her house mate but still pretty floppy.
She's on day 14 & looks like this:
20190928_061730.jpg 20190928_061530.jpg 20190928_061747.jpg

What isn't so apparent from these pictures is the slight yellowing of the first serrated leaves on both seedlings.

The lights are from Invisible Sun (links below). I'm running the ISH 240-H (240 watts) with the R-strip (60watts) these have been slightly dimmed & are drawing a total of 245 watts from the wall.
I've tested the light levels using 2 basic free apps. Results are as follows:
Green crack
Lux Light Meter: 23899
Lux Meter: 23096

Lux Light Meter: 21590
Lux Meter: 21874

Soil mix is the same for both. The main soil is a pre-mixed organic living soil from Indoor Organics with about 15% organic hulled buckwheat shells added in. At this stage though I expect the roots haven't made it that far & are still in the "Light soil blend" I put in the centre of the pots for the seeds to start off in. This is mainly Biobizz Light with about 10% of the main soil mixed in, some hulled buckwheat shells & some TNC Mycorrmax (fungal/bacterial root inoculant) thrown in for good measure.
As you can see, there's a clover cover crop that's doing well at the moment. I seeded this about 10 days before the the main seeds went in & soaked the medium with a brew made from the TNC Mycorr.

Germination for the Critical took 5 days & the Green Crack took 7. For the first week I watered using only a spray/misting bottle. I'd spray the top soil until it was visibly moist but not wet. Since then both seedlings have had a small circle of water poured around them when the soil felt dry 1.5 / 2 inch down this has been daily or every other day. Water is filtered through a basic drinking water filter.

I'm growing in a small tent (70x70). Humidity is on the low side, around 40% but can fluctuate between 35% & 60%. The temps are a bit of twat to maintain but that's mainly due to us having unusually warm weather for this time of year for the last couple of weeks. Lows of 18c (64.5f) & highs of 33c (91.4f) but mainly sits around 29 (84f) lights on & 22 (71f) lights off.

Can't think of any parameters I've missed but just ask if there's missing info.

Now then, how to make these girls happier??
Here are the links to the lights / soil etc if you want more info.
Main light:

On the advice from @ChroToker I dropped the lux reading over the GC from 23899 down to 15500 for a 24hr cycle. It was definitely a good shout & well worth a try but after that 24hr period there is no change in either plant. I know 24hr isn't a long time but surely you'd notice a slight difference in that time frame?
On the advice from @ChroToker I dropped the lux reading over the GC from 23899 down to 15500 for a 24hr cycle. It was definitely a good shout & well worth a try but after that 24hr period there is no change in either plant. I know 24hr isn't a long time but surely you'd notice a slight difference in that time frame?
Hey Benji, I know your doing organics and apparently you dont need to worry about PH but I would do a slurry test just to check what your PH is in the root zone
Hey Benji, I know your doing organics and apparently you dont need to worry about PH but I would do a slurry test just to check what your PH is in the root zone

I'd been worried about over watering so let them dry out for a couple of days. Just watered to run off this morning & had a little test. Run off is pretty much the same as the water going in, around 7.18. I know this is slightly high but as you say, I'm doing organics so that shouldn't be too much of a concern.
Really racking my brain here...
The tiny newest bits of growth seem to be yellowing at the tips as it's starting to come through...
Newest growth has yellowing to the tips. This is the Critical in the 2gal. I'd show you the new growth on the Green Crack in the 5gal but there really hasn't been any :/
I suspect overwatering.even the clover is two iddy biddy plant just needs a bit of moisture,not drenched every day.
Newest growth has yellowing to the tips. This is the Critical in the 2gal. I'd show you the new growth on the Green Crack in the 5gal but there really hasn't been any :/View attachment 1109207
Hey Benji, personally I would bring down the ph a bit into the recommended range and then you can at least discount that, also try to get your temps and RH into the correct range for optimal VPD, you want high rh at this stage! The more things you can get correct the less things it can be causing the issues
PH can make big changes.... but low 7s will grow plants. Have seen one of our members run an entire grow over 7 just to prove it was possible.

72* too cold... 91* too hot. But the raised leaf edges and curl are due to your rH. 40 is way too low for babies... dome her if you can't get your rH up to 65 to 70. Temps and rH out of the zone by much will cause small slow plants.
Droopy seedlings are usually drowning. I usually put some holes in the medium with a pencil and put a fan aimed at the bottom of the pot. Seems to help me!