Too close to the light?

Nov 8, 2022
Reaction score

Might be that I stopped LTS too early and now the flowers are getting quite close to the light. At the moment the tallest ones are about 15-20cm from the light and I'm not able to put the light higher anymore.

Should I take some wire and pull those tallest ones closer to the wall so they are not so close to the light? I already needed to do that for that one.

I thought that the stretch period would have stopped but I was wrong. I messed up the PH and seems that it stunted it a little bit (I assume that the brown spots are from that mistake).

Quick One (autoflower)
LED: TGL Star 60
Light period: 24h

You can pull the branches down a bit as you mentioned. 30/40 cm should be fine in flower stage, distance is also depending how much w the lamp is pushing. Watch out for leave tip burns, if them appear… then the light is too close… :pighug: … happy growing ..plant looks good :)
Since is an auto flower be careful to not stress too much the plan also… means don’t pull too much …
You can pull the branches down a bit as you mentioned. 30/40 cm should be fine in flower stage, distance is also depending how much w the lamp is pushing. Watch out for leave tip burns, if them appear… then the light is too close… :pighug: … happy growing ..plant looks good :)
Since is an auto flower be careful to not stress too much the plan also… means don’t pull too much …

Thanks! Until the flower phase everything went good but then I made a stupid mistake and gave too low PH water and I think that caused brown spots and light green leaves.

Do you know that do the leaves recover (meaning back to green etc.) or will they just stop getting worse and I should concentrate to other and new leaves?