Outdoor tips for outdoor auto grow i south texad



Hey AFN new member here and first time grower here anybody have any tips for growing in 100 degree heat I saw another south Texas but no one gave tips other thastart inside that can't be all the tricks to beat the heat is there?
One trick I know,
Is when you put your plant outside, bury the pot it is in. This will keep your rootball cool, and keep your water from evaporating before the roots can use it. Other than that, put your plants where they will have some shade during the hottest time of day.

Good Luck bro.

Mulching them also helps. I find dried grass clippings work well.
Muddy really grass clippings? i thought that dries out grass though?? and yea i thought about the mulch but wasnt sure if the plant would grow cause it stops weeds you know but thanks ill try it out next week once my beans arrive thanks everybody so far keep em comming :wiz:
on a previous post i had someone suggest getting some auto widow seeds or anything similiar because the temperature they thrive in is 95 degrees instead of 85 that is more typical for others.
Muddy really grass clippings? i thought that dries out grass though?? and yea i thought about the mulch but wasnt sure if the plant would grow cause it stops weeds you know but thanks ill try it out next week once my beans arrive thanks everybody so far keep em comming :wiz:
Once your plant is growing and the stem starts to harden mulch the crap out of it. 4 to 6 inches. Grass clippings, leaves, bark. I use cardboard first. Lay it on the ground around the plant, then put organic mulch on top of this. No more weeds and will hold moisture very well. Im working in 100+ degrees for the past 50 something days and I have 7 footers that are doing very well.
I've used grass clipping as a mulch in my vegetable gardens for years. The key is letting it dry out first. If you put it on green it will mold. It does decompose rather quickly so will probably need to be replenished after about a month or so. Yes, it will also stop weeds from growing but you're putting it around your plant, not over it, once the plant is established. Also, don't put it right up against the stalk. Leave a inch or so of space around the stalk. My photos are in 15 gallon pots and in the constant 90 + degree temps we've had for the past 2 months those pots will dry out in 2 days without mulch. With mulch I can go 3-4 days between waterings. Saves a lot of work when 24 gallons is needed for every watering.

Muddy really grass clippings? i thought that dries out grass though?? and yea i thought about the mulch but wasnt sure if the plant would grow cause it stops weeds you know but thanks ill try it out next week once my beans arrive thanks everybody so far keep em comming :wiz:
Once your plant is growing and the stem starts to harden mulch the crap out of it. 4 to 6 inches. Grass clippings, leaves, bark. I use cardboard first. Lay it on the ground around the plant, then put organic mulch on top of this. No more weeds and will hold moisture very well. Im working in 100+ degrees for the past 50 something days and I have 7 footers that are doing very well.
Also, after my plants started to flower and the very hot weather continued, I put up a shade cloth that blocks the late afternoon sun. This is the first time I've done this and seems to be working out.