I have grown over 3 years on coco....topwatered, autopots, solocups. Topwatered plants--i have watered 3 times a day (and vacuumed 10-20% runoff) in flower and results were fantastic. Autopots--- i have used with perlite in bottom inch of pot with the rest of the pot being mix of coco perlite---great results. Autopots with a mix of coco perlite--great results. Solocups---i have abused them by fertigating without removing runoff and still did not have problems.
I have experienced minor calmag problems, but was easily be rectified by a flush. I have flushed with just ph and calmag and other times flushed with lower % nutes and calmag---doesnt seem to matter, although I have read by the so called experts never to flush without nutes. Respectfully I disagree. I have done this experiment twice separately.
What I like a about coco, is if you have a problem and you catch it early, you can correct it quickly.
I have read so much information on buffering coco. I have never bought the bricks, just various brands in the bags. Yet, I can never find any information in the bag of how its been buffered. So my next experiment is to prebuffer to see if I can eliminate some minor calmag issues I have had. Further, I will experiment with reusing coco by cleaning and rebuffering.