Grow Mediums Tips for 1st time coco grower?

Im a coco nut, not a pro but grew organic for few years then 3rd soil 3rd coco and a 3rd perlite but always had a bug problems or something. Been using ecothrive coco with 30% perlite with canna nutrients for a while now and yes i do burn them from time to time but i like big plants , i dont see the point of spending 3 months growing something to end up with a q. I would say my yeilds with coco have been double what i got in soil, i found for me soil was more complicated than coco.
I have grown over 3 years on coco....topwatered, autopots, solocups. Topwatered plants--i have watered 3 times a day (and vacuumed 10-20% runoff) in flower and results were fantastic. Autopots--- i have used with perlite in bottom inch of pot with the rest of the pot being mix of coco perlite---great results. Autopots with a mix of coco perlite--great results. Solocups---i have abused them by fertigating without removing runoff and still did not have problems.
I have experienced minor calmag problems, but was easily be rectified by a flush. I have flushed with just ph and calmag and other times flushed with lower % nutes and calmag---doesnt seem to matter, although I have read by the so called experts never to flush without nutes. Respectfully I disagree. I have done this experiment twice separately.
What I like a about coco, is if you have a problem and you catch it early, you can correct it quickly.

I have read so much information on buffering coco. I have never bought the bricks, just various brands in the bags. Yet, I can never find any information in the bag of how its been buffered. So my next experiment is to prebuffer to see if I can eliminate some minor calmag issues I have had. Further, I will experiment with reusing coco by cleaning and rebuffering.
What I like a about coco, is if you have a problem and you catch it early, you can correct it quickly.
You and me both, especially after my current clusterfork with Sunshine #4. After this mess, I expect my next grow will be back to coco.

As to the arguments about washing coco before growing, IMHO, if there is any doubt about the quality, just do it, and rebuffer with cal mag once runoff is ok. Coco is a hydroponic medium, there is bugger all to lose in the way of nutrients, you just want the salts, if there are any, gone, and the clean coco left properly buffered.
1st time coco grower. Using Mother Earth Coco which has perlite mixed in. Any tips or advice for a first time coco grower? I just planted my first 2 seeds with coco in solo cups tonight. 2 Mephisto strains (Jammy Dodgers & Orange-utan) I've grown hydro and in soil so I know the basics. Ph 5.5 to 6.5 in coco so I'm thinking to aim for 6ph when I feed. Shud i water twice daily? I know it's impossible to overwater in coco so I'm excited about that and also excited for more hydro like growth without the air pumps n stones. Anything I'm missing? Or shud know? I'll be feeding with mega crop nutrients start to finish. Got a bluelab combo meter for accuracy when measuring ph and ppm. I use 0ppm RO Water. I'm thinking of grabbing some extra csl mag just in case. Feel free to help a brother out. Thanks. Journal for these 2 strains getting started now. Thanks for anyone who chimes in :headbang:
Oh, and I forgot. In response to the original question, if you have not studied carefully the information on, you should do it. The site is focused specifically on growing in coco, and is in my opinion the best single source of information on the topic . It is a perfect prelude to sifting through the information and grow results that can be found here at AFN.
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@Cultivators any coconuts out there want to chime into this conversation what do you guys do :pass: iv been using coco now for two years or so i feel im only starting to get the hang of it now but iv only started using it properly also still just winging it really
I have hydro dwc experience before my soil growing. So I feel I will be able to nail it. I'm also using MC 2 part like you @Mañ'O'Green, I got your schedule that I use and base mine off of. So far a little cal mag deficiency in my purple nuggets auto from Mephisto in biobizz light mix soil. How do I bump up my cal mag with the 2 part as i dont have a supplement? I'm in flower feeding 2.3 grams part A per gallon and 1.4 grams part B per gallon. 580 to 600 ppm .500 scale. 6.5 ph. Measure with bluelab combo meter. Do I up part a or part b or? Not sure which one has calcium or magnesium in it or if both parts do. I can go take pics soon when I go feed in a little bit and i will post it on here.
I feel like if I can do soil and hydro i will be able to pull off coco coir also. Then next will be learning organics outdoors summer grow. Woohoo. Then I will have learned everything I want to learn at that point and continue with what I liked doing the best out of all 4 methods. (DWC Hydro indoor, Soil indoor, Coco indoor, Organic Soil Outdoors) this summer will be my first 12 plant outdoor grow and first organic soil grow so 2 in 1 for that grow.