tips curling and how long till flower?

The indicas look better, but being 18" taller, they are 18" further away from the lights than the sativa's.

Is there a way of raising the pots? I use books, lamp shades, whatever it takes to even out the light. Eighteen inches further away makes a huge difference in terms of light intensity, as you can see in this chart:

I'll worry about light height. Right now, they are moved up to make sure they are not adding to my symptoms. I also do have 4x54w T5HO bulbs in the corners, so that helps with side light. Using my phone as a lux meter, I get plenty of light still at the base of the plants. The reflectors are good in the hoods and cover a wide range.

They are in 5gal pots, so I did about 10gal of water flushing with just dechlorinated tap water, then some CA-MG and mild nutes for the last few gallons. Run off was about 6.4, so hope that helps a bit with everything.

Since I inherieted this stuff, in terms of bloom nutes, I have a bottle of monster bloom which is like 0-50-30, which seems like super overkill. lol. There is a pack of AN Bud Blood. There is also some franks organic bloom nutes. Supposed to be made for hydro, but i've read you can use hydro nutes in soil, just need to find the right amount.

Other nutes are sensi grow, iguana juice grow, Ca-Mg, some black strap molasses, AN Tarantula powder??,

Kind of broke, so can't go all out on nuts right now. Any suggestions of what to use when I switch to flowering from what I have, or should I scrounge up $20 and get some.
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Well after flushing with un-ph adjusted water and straight treated tap water, then a light nut feeding, it seems to be recovering pretty good. A lot of the twisting has gone away and some of the leaf curling and tips are back to normal color. I know not all the damage will ever go away, but I can see a difference. It was starting to look almost like it was dying a few days ago and now it's put on 2-3 more inches in the last couple days, so I think pH was the issue. Maybe in hydro/coco, keeping the water pH is more important. When using an acidic soil, using a higher pH water helps balance it out. K.I.S.S. lol.