Extraction tincture question


Jun 18, 2011
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Quick question. Is it possible to make tincture without the use of any alcohol if so could anyone direct me to the right place.
Thanks for the quick reply. I mean for oral consumption and or topical which ever one is better for medicinal purposes
oral is typically best as it penetrates the cells of your body best.. however... for skin cancer, for example... topical as well as oral is good.... depends on your application... but in simple answer to your question... yes... it can be made with butter or oil... see the autoflower knowledge base / hash oil edibles:

AutoFlower Network - Forum Home - Hash/Oil And Food

glad to help... we try to have someone knowledgeable on 24/7...

Eating tch affects me much differently than smoking it so it's not my preferred choice of intake but I understand how it might be very appealing for medical purposes. If I were you, Realcarlos, I'd grind up a bit of bud, put it in a little dish and add some olive oil to it, give it a little stir to mix the ground bud evenly in the olive oil, cover it up and let it soak for a while. For how long? You decide...
Thanks torch and rose
Jm what if someone had diabaties would the edibles still be good? Would milk extract the thc as well as the other methods?
+1 for glycerin - longer shelf life than olive oil.
Milk/cream would be good. The more fat the better when not working with alcohol. I use coconut oil, along with some other folks here on the board. It's got a mild flavor itself and extracts the cannabinoids very well as it's very high in saturated fat. A little goes a long way, though, so be careful. RSV1 will attest to that, too. I had some the other day, maybe a teaspoon, and was out of commission for 22 hours. I mean... totally out of it. I'd never felt that way before, nor would I want to again.
I use coconut oil also... another benefit of it is that it is solid at 76f. After making my canna coconut oil I put it into gelcaps then store them in the freezer.

Regarding dosage... Many dispensaries consider .35g a standard oral dose when made from weed and not hash. So 10 doses an 1/8th. If you are a heavy smoker like me you probably want a bit more per dose.

Protip... When making your goodies add food grade Non-GMO Lechithin. Lechithin won't make the treat stronger per se but it will make it easier for your body absorb all the good stuff.