Indoor throxic grows Mephisto - CDLC and Sour Stomper. With Floraflex!

Day 44, added another 4 gal to the res. 2323EC 5.87pH. Increased fertigation time to 25 mins 3 times a day. They're drinking a lot and I'm not seeing as much runoff as I like so I may add a 4th fertigation event during the day to keep up with the demand currently. Though, I've read during flower you want to have more dry back. So maybe increasing the time is the best bet keeping the events to 3 a day.

Day 45, think it's about time to switch to the bloom nutes. Next res fill will be with B1/B2.

Fertigation changed to 30 mins 3/day.

4 gallons added to the reservoir.
Dechlorinated Tap water - 570 EC
+B1/B2 (3.5g/gal) - 2112 EC
+Drip Clean (0.4ml/gal) - 2159 EC
pH 5.82

PPFD/DLI from top of canopy:
CDLC 20" - 640/42
SS 17" - 740/48 (sp-3000 @ ~85%)
PC 11.5" - 920/60 (sf-2000 @ ~75%)
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Day 47, my main focus lately is ensuring I see adequate runoff for all 3. Because of their size, they're all drinking different amounts. If I'm not seeing runoff after a few fertigation events, I'll hand water 1-2 liters until I do.

I'm keeping an eye on the DLI too, trying to keep it under 60 at the tops, but I am seeing leaves with yellow tips at the top indicating slight light burn. I'm okay with this so far since I need to consider mid-canopy DLI as well. If anyone has some suggestions surrounding this, feel free to chime in! :peace:

8 gallons added to the reservoir.
Dechlorinated Tap water - 550 EC
+B1/B2 (3.5g/gal) - 2012 EC
+Drip Clean (0.4ml/gal) - 2065 EC
pH 5.87

PPFD/DLI from top of canopy:
CDLC 19" - 720/48
SS 15" - 820/52 (sp-3000 @ ~85%)
PC 10" - 920/60 (sf-2000 @ ~72%)

Day 48, hand watered 1 liter each to PC and CDLC - wanted to see some run off. Reduced light dimmer to ensure a PPFD of 900 at the tops of PC and SS.

Day 49, added 8gals to the res; 2155ec, 5.9pH. Increased fertigations to 40 mins, 3/day.

Day 50, Added the SF-1000 to even out the light spread then reduced the light dimmers to 900 PPFD for PC and SS. CDLC at 600 PPFD. These girls got a lot bigger than I was expecting.

The Sour Stomper was kinda a runt from the beginning, but has really stretched out. Twisting some stems, I'm getting a lime and eraser scent from her. Definitely some quality genetics. CDLC smelling like straight gas, and Pluto Cut giving me the chills with her sweet incense aroma. Gonna be a great summer! :peace:




Day 53, reduced lights to read ~900 PPFD at the canopy.

PPFD/DLI from top of canopy:
CDLC 12" - 700/47
SS 7" - 900/58 (sp-3000 @ ~65%)
PC 7" - 900/58 (sf-2000 @ ~62%)

Day 52 and 54, added 8 gallons to the res - 2042EC, 5.89pH.

Day 56, leaf plucking and cutting anything below not getting enough light. So far so good.

Day 56, in the evening I decided to change up the scenery. Did some defoliation and removed the table and box that was raising the plants higher. Luckily with my 'growsperience', with plants this big, I know I need to maximize light spread and to do that I need the lights at a higher height with the intensity increased. I also wanted to bring the CDLC to the front for easier access and to see those beautiful buds. :smokeit:

PPFD: CDLC - 750, PC - 900, SS - 1000

Day 57, added 8 gallons to the res, 2061 EC, 5.86 pH.

Day 58, hand watered around 1 liter with Recharge to each between the second and third fertigation.

Day 59, environment at 76° F @ 64% RH ~1.10 VPD. Loving this AC Infinity controller, really ups the environment game.
