
The Strip itself has a 4 month life, so, use it however long and then ziploc it and throw it in the garage ‍. I used mine about 18 hrs because i had to open up the house. Can confirm, killed all gnats but i might still have some spider mites, not 100% sure but still treating as though i do.
The Strip itself has a 4 month life, so, use it however long and then ziploc it and throw it in the garage ‍. I used mine about 18 hrs because i had to open up the house. Can confirm, killed all gnats but i might still have some spider mites, not 100% sure but still treating as though i do.
That friend is sound advice.
4 months for the strips???..I would have never thought:nono:
I hear frustration, and wanting to be right.
At all cost.
No. Just a minor disagreement about dosing regimen, with full agreement that the Strips are a 1st-line worthy insecticide option.

In the end, whether you 'fumigate' for 15 minutes or a day, Strips should (theoretically, and here from my anecdotal report) get the job done. With short time exposure, you might have only >95% likelihood of infestation eradication while doing it for a day may get you >99% efficacy.
No. Just a minor disagreement about dosing regimen, with full agreement that the Strips are a 1st-line worthy insecticide option.

In the end, whether you 'fumigate' for 15 minutes or a day, Strips should (theoretically, and here from my anecdotal report) get the job done. With short time exposure, you might have only >95% likelihood of infestation eradication while doing it for a day may get you >99% efficacy.
Only problem with that is...
Kinna like 99%cured from HIV or cancer.
Its excellent, but not removed.
Only problem with that is...
Kinna like 99%cured from HIV or cancer.
Its excellent, but not removed.
The last time I had to use it was for white flies. After harvest was in the jars. I sealed that room up from the rest of the house for 2 days with one strip then aired for a couple of days. There were no living bugs of any type in that room and has been clean a couple of years so far.

I hate having to use it but there really is no good organic fix other then not to grow until the little bastards just die-off. That is not an option for me.

Update: ordered some neem oil. But left sticky traps resting on leaves and in soil and seems to of caught a couple. No new damage to leaves and no more signs of thrips on amy leaves. Will hold of using the oil for a few days in hopes the sticky traps have caught them all. Thanks for the help everyone.
I'm in 5th week of flower and used a neem oil soil drench (added 1 tsp / liter to the feed water after pHing with a few drops of mild phosphate free soap to break up the oil) every 2nd day, for 7 days and my fungus gnats are gone. Apparently it innoculates the plant against much more than fungus gnats too. Good luck!