Dutch Passion Thor's AutoMazar and Think Different

Oct 27, 2013
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Greetings. I had a question about TD and AM in 5 gallon DWC buckets. If trained into a scrog, in your opinion, how many TD would fit well into a 3x3 tent and how many AM would fit into a 4x4?
Sorry we missed you fella……. Your numbers of plants seem sound enough …..ScrOG and DWC is something i want to see….. What's your plans for changing the res once the plants are established in the ScrOG? :cheers:
Hey Hazy. I actually read your 316g TD article off DP website like 2-3 weeks ago. Awesome stuff there that helped me decide.

For the res change, I have small water pumps for the job. I lift the lid slightly and slide it to the side granting access to the res. So the lid doesn't come completely off. I than drop the pump in and pump out the water. The screen is suspended with flex wire from the ceiling so it's isn't in a fixed position and if the plants move then the screen will also move slightly. With multiple plants in the same screen though you have to be very careful.