New Grower This will not stand with the dude#2

I feel u bro believe it or not mines worse. Went to jail for a speeding ticket for a week. Three days into the 5 I see my house on the news . Won't say why will narrow down who I am on here for real. But needless to say a supposed friend and his gf went to my house and hmm let's just say it was gonna give me 25 possible years!!!!! My prego fiancee was there also. They was supposed to be watching her cause she was bout to pop 9 months . Well my supposed friend decides he's gonna play with my Winchester 11 shot riot gun with a 12 inch barrel. Needless to say he shot his foot off!!!! Not a hole through. U know why? Hollow point slugs drilled down farther and hack sawed into splits to shred on contact!! So no more foot lol . wanna be thug that never shot a gun apparently . Long story short they called 911 for an ambulance and got caught . My property even though I was in jail they charged me and let them go!!! Back woods fucking cops didn't care who's was making it apparently because I lost five years of my life and I was seriously innocent. Mandatory time no judicial release no nothing day for fucking day. I turned into a monster real quick. I trust nobody to this day.

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It is what it is vald . I'll say this u don't know how crazy half this world is till you've been in prison. I did more in prison illegal than I ever did at home. I was a loner . Wouldn't join the brotherhood . Fought half of them. Only reason it stopped I almost killed one of em. Took pity and let him live .. apparently he told them to leave me alone. The black people took the hint after that and the Mexicans . I slept with shanks on me . If I would've been on the street and caught for what all I did in there I would've been doing life. I don't consider myself a badass or anything . I'm actually a very quiet person period unless I'm disrespected or stolen from. I learned alot about people from being in prison. There's no difference between inmates and regular people . The regular people just haven't been caught doing whatever they doing wrong. Anyone can end up in prison in the USA and be innocent . Public defenders don't have the man power or time to defend anyone here. Honestly I dunno even why I'm sharing this. All I can say is sorry if u all don't really care . Just unloading I guess. Shit it happened back in 2004 so it's been awhile. Just something that u never forget when it happens to u. I even won my habeas corpus in the federal courts by myself!!!!! But a new ruling in the courts made it that if I went back the new judge could give me more time if I was found guilty. Like what the fuck....????!!!! But that's the fucking court system in America. So many innocent people going through what I did . Going to prison didn't make me more or a man it made me a violent aggressive person if pissed off. It changed me . Sad but true. Made me see what the world really is deep down. Care about yourself. Nobody else truly will give a fuck about you!! Again folks sorry just venting

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It is what it is vald . I'll say this u don't know how crazy half this world is till you've been in prison. I did more in prison illegal than I ever did at home. I was a loner . Wouldn't join the brotherhood . Fought half of them. Only reason it stopped I almost killed one of em. Took pity and let him live .. apparently he told them to leave me alone. The black people took the hint after that and the Mexicans . I slept with shanks on me . If I would've been on the street and caught for what all I did in there I would've been doing life. I don't consider myself a badass or anything . I'm actually a very quiet person period unless I'm disrespected or stolen from. I learned alot about people from being in prison. There's no difference between inmates and regular people . The regular people just haven't been caught doing whatever they doing wrong. Anyone can end up in prison in the USA and be innocent . Public defenders don't have the man power or time to defend anyone here. Honestly I dunno even why I'm sharing this. All I can say is sorry if u all don't really care . Just unloading I guess. Shit it happened back in 2004 so it's been awhile. Just something that u never forget when it happens to u. I even won my habeas corpus in the federal courts by myself!!!!! But a new ruling in the courts made it that if I went back the new judge could give me more time if I was found guilty. Like what the fuck....????!!!! But that's the fucking court system in America. So many innocent people going through what I did . Going to prison didn't make me more or a man it made me a violent aggressive person if pissed off. It changed me . Sad but true. Made me see what the world really is deep down. Care about yourself. Nobody else truly will give a fuck about you!! Again folks sorry just venting

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Jeez Buzz, you live in a completely different world from me mate! I'm from a sleepy little town where people are shocked if somebody drops litter at the local park!

The only guns around are owned by farmers for pest control or shooting clays, and the only time the police have knocked on my door is when the the next door neighbours come to collect their Amazon parcels! [emoji23][emoji23]
It is what it is vald . I'll say this u don't know how crazy half this world is till you've been in prison. I did more in prison illegal than I ever did at home. I was a loner . Wouldn't join the brotherhood . Fought half of them. Only reason it stopped I almost killed one of em. Took pity and let him live .. apparently he told them to leave me alone. The black people took the hint after that and the Mexicans . I slept with shanks on me . If I would've been on the street and caught for what all I did in there I would've been doing life. I don't consider myself a badass or anything . I'm actually a very quiet person period unless I'm disrespected or stolen from. I learned alot about people from being in prison. There's no difference between inmates and regular people . The regular people just haven't been caught doing whatever they doing wrong. Anyone can end up in prison in the USA and be innocent . Public defenders don't have the man power or time to defend anyone here. Honestly I dunno even why I'm sharing this. All I can say is sorry if u all don't really care . Just unloading I guess. Shit it happened back in 2004 so it's been awhile. Just something that u never forget when it happens to u. I even won my habeas corpus in the federal courts by myself!!!!! But a new ruling in the courts made it that if I went back the new judge could give me more time if I was found guilty. Like what the fuck....????!!!! But that's the fucking court system in America. So many innocent people going through what I did . Going to prison didn't make me more or a man it made me a violent aggressive person if pissed off. It changed me . Sad but true. Made me see what the world really is deep down. Care about yourself. Nobody else truly will give a fuck about you!! Again folks sorry just venting

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And your all led to believe u live in the land of the free......and i dont mean that disrespectfully ......i totally understand the cultural and social differences in your country ,ive seen documentries that have shocked me cause i grew up in the 70s and everything in america was great and we all wanted to have that wasnt till the regan and bush admin that i could see the serious cracks appear ,new york was a dump in the 70s and 80s before 9/11 ur country was one missed credit card payment away from being a carpark ........nothing like fear in the public and a good war to turn things around.....i know ur not all like that and theres plenty good folk their ....hope u dont take that the wrong way its just an observation [emoji111]

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No offense taken man. And honestly freedom is a joke here also. The cops are dirty as hell. Be afraid of them very afraid. Fucking losers that got picked on in high school. Or like most of them a dam power trip. So far where I'm at this year alone the cops have killed like twenty people and the public is sick of it they are scared . Not to mention the fucking Muslim's that think they own America now lol. All I can say is I'm glad we have a normal guy as our president . Our X Muslim president is such a piece of shit letting it get this way. But personally I think he wanted it to happen . So all in all don't think it's that great over here cause it's not. It used to be when I was growing up. In the 70 and 80s like u said. But Shits changed we have all these foreigners the have no respect for anyone even their own kind. It's sad really . I really keep an eye on em whenever they around me. I know I'm glad he cut their welfare so they actually gotta get a fucking job instead of living off what I've paid in my whole life!! Shit they are eligible for more than I ever have been!! And I was fucking born here. Those fuckers get like 50 grand to come here in grants. Like 20 of em live in one house and take parking and cause endless problems I can't wait till they all get the fuck out and jobs are actually able to be had .

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No offense taken man. And honestly freedom is a joke here also. The cops are dirty as hell. Be afraid of them very afraid. Fucking losers that got picked on in high school. Or like most of them a dam power trip. So far where I'm at this year alone the cops have killed like twenty people and the public is sick of it they are scared . Not to mention the fucking Muslim's that think they own America now lol. All I can say is I'm glad we have a normal guy as our president . Our X Muslim president is such a piece of shit letting it get this way. But personally I think he wanted it to happen . So all in all don't think it's that great over here cause it's not. It used to be when I was growing up. In the 70 and 80s like u said. But Shits changed we have all these foreigners the have no respect for anyone even their own kind. It's sad really . I really keep an eye on em whenever they around me. I know I'm glad he cut their welfare so they actually gotta get a fucking job instead of living off what I've paid in my whole life!! Shit they are eligible for more than I ever have been!! And I was fucking born here. Those fuckers get like 50 grand to come here in grants. Like 20 of em live in one house and take parking and cause endless problems I can't wait till they all get the fuck out and jobs are actually able to be had .

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Just the same here ,because we copied and wanted to be like you ....this place is like shit now , a country that voted to leave europe on ill informed expectations,for the first time the undereducated ( not that i am by any means i studied at the university of hard fckng knocks) illinformed voted thinkimg the next day their neighbours would be white ,highly paid jobs and no more immigrants ..Ha....its just the same they have a genuine reason to restructure the fckd up economy and line their pockets even further.....sorry we call it brexit negotiations lol....ive aquiantances missing limbs and fckd in the head from tours in Afghanistan and iraq who get fck all help and are left to get on with it (echos of your very own born on the 4th of july)....whys it all so least over here if i have an industrial accident i get treated and dont have to choose which limbs or digits my medicare will britain an alkie or junkie gets more benefits than someone whos genuinely lost their job.....trump might be a real person but we really know hes a puppet and its the same old cronies pulling the strings ....all this pish about going over there to help these people and give them freedom because we care .....if we cared we would have kicked fck out robert mugabe 20 fckng yrs ago ....oh thats right theres fuck all worth stealing from there......right im climbing of my high horse haha and on that note......THE WHOLE WORLDS GONE TO POT.....WEVE MADE A HASH OF IT ..............Never understood why Henry Ford was posthumously give an award in 2000 as businessman of the century......that should have went to Pablo Escobar when he decided to expand into europe

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Yea I totally hear what your saying. This world is in a big shit basket. The generations after us are weak and feeble mined like sheep. Honestly I see war very soon with north Korea. Personally I hope we fuck them up so bad. Fucking dictators all of em need to be done away with. I couldn't imagine living like that at all. They would hate me I don't conform well lol

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Hi to all ,hope ur all having happy abused superskunks are now at 47 days and from seeing others pics they are clearly behind but getting there slowly,they are feeding about a litre a day ,been giving them 2 feeds a day at 1/2litre at a time,the younger ones have been topped and mildly opened up a bit ,they seem to be very happy and keeping a decent colour about them ,just not sure how much extra time I need to give the older ones ,I think they are about a week behind and one maybe even a few days more than that....water pH has been a steady6.2 but I have no way of knowing my ppm on the feed,they have been getting about 70%manufacturers recommended dosage and just not sure whether to up this

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Hi to all ,hope ur all having happy abused superskunks are now at 47 days and from seeing others pics they are clearly behind but getting there slowly,they are feeding about a litre a day ,been giving them 2 feeds a day at 1/2litre at a time,the younger ones have been topped and mildly opened up a bit ,they seem to be very happy and keeping a decent colour about them ,just not sure how much extra time I need to give the older ones ,I think they are about a week behind and one maybe even a few days more than that....water pH has been a steady6.2 but I have no way of knowing my ppm on the feed,they have been getting about 70%manufacturers recommended dosage and just not sure whether to up this

Sent from my 9001X using Tapatalk

Feed less! They're too green! Especially the older ones.

Mate, if they were my plants I'd just give water pH'd to 6.5 ish till they've eaten what's in the soil and they lighten up a shade.

Did you flush them?
Feed less! They're too green! Especially the older ones.

Mate, if they were my plants I'd just give water pH'd to 6.5 ish till they've eaten what's in the soil and they lighten up a shade.

Did you flush them?
Will do ....I was wondering why they were so green ....cheers[emoji111]

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