Oct 14, 2022
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Any thoughts for my first grow? thoughts on defoliating? but most importantly When do you guys think i’ll be able to cut down? I don’t have a carbon filter and i stay in a huge mansion that was turned into apartments and i have 2 of these plants that went into flower a little over 2 weeks ago. Let me just say they are stinking wayyyy more than i would have ever thought. And the neighbors are already asking me if i’ve been smoking. It’s cool because 3 of my neighbors have all tried to smoke with me before, if i haven’t bought from them but i don’t want the wrong person like my landlord to catch a whiff


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If your not using an air filter or venting system, the worst is yet to come. During the drying phase after harvest, that chlorophyl stench is bad, like rotten potato's bad. At least that was my first grow experience. What saved the day for me, and may be perfect for your apartment situation, is a wedryer. They really do stop the smell.
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If you don't don't do something pretty quick about odor control then everyone is going to know...that's why we have tents, exhaust fans and carbon filters. Grew a couple small seeders out on my back deck, and neighbor across the street ( about 800 ft away ) could smell it.
Any thoughts for my first grow? thoughts on defoliating? but most importantly When do you guys think i’ll be able to cut down? I don’t have a carbon filter and i stay in a huge mansion that was turned into apartments and i have 2 of these plants that went into flower a little over 2 weeks ago. Let me just say they are stinking wayyyy more than i would have ever thought. And the neighbors are already asking me if i’ve been smoking. It’s cool because 3 of my neighbors have all tried to smoke with me before, if i haven’t bought from them but i don’t want the wrong person like my landlord to catch a whiff

Like everyone has said I would get them in a tent with a carbon filter and extraction fan (can recommend Rhino filters and Infinity fans) the worst of the stink is yet to come.

In full flower the smell can carry for a very long way. Every apartment will know what your doing and probably a good radius out side your apartment, especially if your on the ground floor.
I've had a few of instances when my filter has quit on me and power cuts. One time you could smell it 100yrd up the road when we had a power cut.
Since then I've been super careful, change my filters every 18months and now my grow space is now reasonably air tight that if I do get a power cut it can't leak, it's been tested of recent.

Are you in prohibition land?
Like everyone has said I would get them in a tent with a carbon filter and extraction fan (can recommend Rhino filters and Infinity fans) the worst of the stink is yet to come.

In full flower the smell can carry for a very long way. Every apartment will know what your doing and probably a good radius out side your apartment, especially if your on the ground floor.
I've had a few of instances when my filter has quit on me and power cuts. One time you could smell it 100yrd up the road when we had a power cut.
Since then I've been super careful, change my filters every 18months and now my grow space is now reasonably air tight that if I do get a power cut it can't leak, it's been tested of recent.

Are you in prohibition land?
Sadly yes i’m in one of the few states that wants nothing to do with weed and will lock you up if you have a crumb in your pocket. i’m on a bad budget rn i quit my job to go to truck school for a cdl, i can’t buy anything like a carbon filter or air purifier.
Any thoughts for my first grow? thoughts on defoliating? but most importantly When do you guys think i’ll be able to cut down? I don’t have a carbon filter and i stay in a huge mansion that was turned into apartments and i have 2 of these plants that went into flower a little over 2 weeks ago. Let me just say they are stinking wayyyy more than i would have ever thought. And the neighbors are already asking me if i’ve been smoking. It’s cool because 3 of my neighbors have all tried to smoke with me before, if i haven’t bought from them but i don’t want the wrong person like my landlord to catch a whiff

When I grew in an outdoor shelter, my dearest would complain about the smell 50 meters away in the yard. Absent immediate action, anyone in your "mansion", or nearby will smell your plants, and the wrong stoners that smell it will expect that a break-in might be productive. If you are in a illegal area, the cops may arrive after being alerted by the wrong person who recognizes the smell and is against peeps growing or using it.

A fan and filter is required if you want to conceal from neighbors. Even without exhausting outdoors, it would help.

Good luck mate, I hope you get on top of this el pronto. :goodluck:
Sadly yes i’m in one of the few states that wants nothing to do with weed and will lock you up if you have a crumb in your pocket. i’m on a bad budget rn i quit my job to go to truck school for a cdl, i can’t buy anything like a carbon filter or air purifier.

I'm afraid to say there's not much more advice I can give. Carbon filter and fan is the only way to scrub the air of the smell.

Does your local Hydro store do second hand gear? You could try and pick up a cheap 4" fan up... But I recommend you buy the filter brand new.