New Grower The Vault’s Skywalker Auto Comparative Grow - in association with Mephisto Genetics

Okay it's been a rough road my second grow first run of mephisto gear got blown away by hurricane Matthew in it was two of my skywalkers for this grow.
I'm staying with my daughter for the winter while clean up goes on at home wish I could help but my body says no I did not want to go all winter in a place I don't know anyone a cold place with nothing to do for at least 3 months expect trying to stay warm so I decided to throw up a tent in my bedroom I'm staying in and try to grow these 3 girls collecting what I need as we go.
I brought the 3 remaining seeds with me 2 popped one did not I started these girls under CFL lighting starting with 200 watts increasing to 400 in a closet.
It got hot if door was closed so I left it open I only had a box fan well in last 3 days I got a 4x4 tent and some supplies I ordered I was loaned a 600 watt hps I ordered a bulb I can't run it till I get a fan to help control the heat it gets 90 in that tent did a 48 hour test run with it on I also need a carbon filter I will have these in next couple weeks so for now these girls are getting 400 watts Cfl mixed spectrum the temp does fine just have run them 24\7 to keep it warm.This setup should work good and I should get a tent temp of 72-74 once fans and proper exhaust is set up it worked good for me at home I'm thinking here I will run lights 24/7 to keep heat at good temp it's cold here that will be a problem at lights out so I'm letting them go.
Just for the hell of it I topped these girls at 4 th node and doing lst I was thinking I'd have to do the whole grow with cfl bulbs so it was a thought at that time it would help to keep the bulbs close I won't be doing it anymore hopefully I'm doing lst also they are 2-3 weeks old round about I lost the book I was keeping notes in I had only dropped 2 seeds was going to run 2 under them bulbs well after a week one had not popped so I dropped the other that and it did I know the are 7-9 days apart. I'm calling it 14 and 21 days it should be close enough.

They are looking rough I'm hoping they pic up I wanted to do lst first I drilled out a bucket with like 30-40 holes in rim wore me out so I'm just going to put screws were I need.
Here's what I did started them in solo cups then I drop them in big pots around day ten it works for me I am very limited on funds right now and having nothing but a bunch of cfl bulbs won't grow anything I found a light organic dirt at wallmart I mixed it with some perlite this dirt is very light I'm thinking I should not have used perlite water runs straight thru it I just received my ewc I will top both that will slow the water down it takes me 2-3 hours on feed day I go slow.Im using fox farm trio with Cal mag and Ful power hoping this will cut it I got some badswell coming I'm going to make a tea for bloom I got molasses and Epsom salt if needed.Crossing my fingers were I'm at don't get a blizzard and knock out electric for weeks lol that would be my luck.
Well I'm here in wild wonderful w.v. joining the vault grow thank you jack I'm hoping to do better this time.
The bottom leave discoloration is from water and nutes getting on them I try to spray it all off.
Day 56!!! And she's looking pretty good overall! I think she's probably done swelling up unfortunately lol. But she looks like she'll be of some excellent smoke!
Prepare yourself for the first time. Have it in the evening, at home. Just in case you get like I did. [emoji121] [emoji6] [emoji108]

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I'm growing a toofless alien right now I run all my plants on 24 and put my photoperiod plants in a separate closet I use for flowering on 12\12 in all reality except for rare power outages my lights have stayed on daily for 2years now
I'm growing a toofless alien right now I run all my plants on 24 and put my photoperiod plants in a separate closet I use for flowering on 12\12 in all reality except for rare power outages my lights have stayed on daily for 2years now
I have a seed, let us know how it goes! [emoji108] [emoji106]

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Day 52

Trichomes are half clear half cloudy, she's drinking lots and fast, going water and molasses now until finish to harden up. scent is now lemon pledge and sweaty armpit lol.
Don't know how well y'all can see the middle cluster of buds, if I hadn't brought the main down during lst, that would be a forearm wide and long cola like @witchyhour had.

I have a seed, let us know how it goes! [emoji108] [emoji106]

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Grown it a few times each time its some of the best tasting herb ,real organic soil it's not a heavy yielder or big plant but I love the flavor and potency.I don't really relie on my indoor for my main med supply,my outdoor and green house is my best producer but I have picked the toothless alien to grow every year cause of that candy taste .