New Grower The Vault’s Skywalker Auto Comparative Grow - in association with Mephisto Genetics

Day 29! Unfortunately I've been under watering I think. But she's handling the last like a champ!


Just pulled everything down again so things haven't popped back up just yet.
hey!! wheres all the rest of the people that got the beans to test???? there hadda be like 50 of this the way we show our thanks.pffffff
Sorry man I'll update this weekend. Been a bit crazy but they're going well.
hey bro,im not trying to be a di**, but im pretty sure theres folk that have never posted after they got the sad/takers bro, takers
Oh I totally get it and feel the same way. This is supposed the help the seller and breeder not just be free seeds...
spot on bro..i remember being tagged in at the start and pages were stacking up at 3-4 per day wanting its like we are Oceans 11 or something,hell i dont even know if there is 11 of us...but anyway..ive tried to hit everyone with some rep for documenting as a show of good faith..this is not my grow/test thread..but im sure somebodies watching the progress..peace guys/gals