New Grower The Vault’s Skywalker Auto Comparative Grow - in association with Mephisto Genetics


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So I'm going to be able to join you guys a few weeks sooner than I originally thought. Tonight I'll be dropping 4 Skywalkers. I picked up a 600w hps today to fill some space in my garden so I'll get those planted tonight!!!
Great the more the better happy you got another light I'm getting ready to do that myself.
Good news guys/ @witchyhour ,Jack said mine were in the last batch to go out and should be here this week set up to do all of them..just wanted to say Thank You again for willing to share,thats what makes the AFN vibe so unique...good karma to all your grows!!!!:bow::woohoo1::woohoo::thumbsup:
Good news guys/ @witchyhour ,Jack said mine were in the last batch to go out and should be here this week set up to do all of them..just wanted to say Thank You again for willing to share,thats what makes the AFN vibe so unique...good karma to all your grows!!!![emoji144]:woohoo1::woohoo:[emoji106]
Awesome! [emoji2]

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I wonder if I should let that little one go, or jus start a new one...

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