New Grower The Vault’s Skywalker Auto Comparative Grow - in association with Mephisto Genetics

Thank you @Starbreaker @Ripper ripper, how long can you store it for until it's no good?
Couple weeks is the most I would.. I would make only what need for a week or two then remake more.. Stuff can be great or can be super bad.. I had some just destroy a plant once I should have made more but was lazy
Here are the babies today!


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I have never used that,came close to trying some a while back but never got around to it. but if its a Tea and not the mycos what are the numbers on the bag?any NPK values? either way ,for autos I would only brew it half strength of the said amount then cut that with a cpl cups or so with a full gallon mix. then feed. keep it mellow if its a concentrate. and you really dont want to be storing living teas,or any tea for that matter. unless your trying to stagnate it and start growing anerobic conditions as to promote fungal growth.but thats a whole separate thing man. but yeah,thats what Id do. @Gatorbackbob
well shit... still nothing... I ordered a tank for my vape acouple days ago and its already on its way... so we'll see if that gets here first..
I do and I don't hope for this lmao
I'm sure you'll get yours at the same time as budelee and bailey.