New Grower The Vault’s Skywalker Auto Comparative Grow - in association with Mephisto Genetics


That’s the Comparative now CLOSED guys.

All the seeds have been used up, so no new entrants can enter.

However if you have entered and been declined for not supplying the correct info you may still enter; the seeds have been set aside for you – but please make sure to reply to me this week or the seeds that have been set aside may be used for someone else.

I’m looking forward to seeing how all you guys get on :)

And a BIG BIG thanks to all you guys who have left us good reviews – once I get all of the remaining Comparative packages sent out tomorrow I’ll be giving another shout out to see if the rest of you can help too :)
Hi everyone, just a little update for you all:

Most of the Comparative packages went out on Friday and Saturday, so should be with you early next week.
Any entrants after Friday morning will have their packages sent out tomorrow and should be with you at the end of next week.
If you have already entered, but not had a "Comparative Accepted" email please send me an email to make sure that you are in.
Although the Comparative is now closed, your entry has still been counted if you were "Declined" so please reply to my email so that I can get you sorted out.
The Comparative packages are not sent by tracked or signed-for, so the package should just be left in your mailbox for you.
Hi everyone, just a little update for you all:

Most of the Comparative packages went out on Friday and Saturday, so should be with you early next week.
Any entrants after Friday morning will have their packages sent out tomorrow and should be with you at the end of next week.
If you have already entered, but not had a "Comparative Accepted" email please send me an email to make sure that you are in.
Although the Comparative is now closed, your entry has still been counted if you were "Declined" so please reply to my email so that I can get you sorted out.
The Comparative packages are not sent by tracked or signed-for, so the package should just be left in your mailbox for you.
Thanks for everything if i may speak for all of us we highly appreciate the effort put in to help this community as a whole. Happy growing.
@derek420colorado check ur email brother
Did you get in. I told you you would. Hopefully you did this gonna be some fun with some very experienced growers and noobs well get to see how everyone stacks against eachother and see whats best and whats not. U bet there will be many diffrent turn outs thats why its cool cuz we can see what they did good and wrong and see if what you did was better or not to the others. Cant wait. Happy growing.
Hi everyone, just a little update for you all:

Most of the Comparative packages went out on Friday and Saturday, so should be with you early next week.
Any entrants after Friday morning will have their packages sent out tomorrow and should be with you at the end of next week.
If you have already entered, but not had a "Comparative Accepted" email please send me an email to make sure that you are in.
Although the Comparative is now closed, your entry has still been counted if you were "Declined" so please reply to my email so that I can get you sorted out.
The Comparative packages are not sent by tracked or signed-for, so the package should just be left in your mailbox for you.
What does the shirt look like is it the picture on the website that says comparitive grow or no.
Hi everyone, just a little update for you all:

Most of the Comparative packages went out on Friday and Saturday, so should be with you early next week.
Any entrants after Friday morning will have their packages sent out tomorrow and should be with you at the end of next week.
If you have already entered, but not had a "Comparative Accepted" email please send me an email to make sure that you are in.
Although the Comparative is now closed, your entry has still been counted if you were "Declined" so please reply to my email so that I can get you sorted out.
The Comparative packages are not sent by tracked or signed-for, so the package should just be left in your mailbox for you.
Thanks Jack! Can't wait to get this party started! And @derek420colorado you need to email jack. I'm sure you're in on it. You're one of the first people I tagged. It will get sorted.
Thanks Jack! Can't wait to get this party started! And @derek420colorado you need to email jack. I'm sure you're in on it. You're one of the first people I tagged. It will get sorted.

I am just supppper dumb and never went back and read the first page where I am SURE the instructions are, I forgot to put my username and fourm name. I emailed him back just a few minutes ago. Thanks @Starbreaker you ROCK!!!!!!!!!