Hey all,
I grew up in Pennsylvania in the 80-90s and while I have always been a cannabis enthusiast since my early teens, the selection at the time and place were pretty sad. Sometimes we had green brick weed, sometimes we had brown. It all had seeds and for those that didn't know better, it was just fine. We would occasionally have a good skunk or "kind" bud that would come through in very small quantities and at $$$$. So the only time I really got to see what I know now as the glorious plant we all obsess over was in High Times magazine. It might as well been a comic or something of fiction because it was unobtainable. I am a collector of sorts. Guns, knives, steins, whatever I am into and I used to think how tremendous it would be to have a cannabis collection. Until one day I was reading one of the main articles in High Times about some guy who collected cannabis from around the world. He had all the bud in these sealed jars. It was exactly what I envisioned and desired but I was heartbroken to learn that when he opened them to sample that there were all dried up and ruined. So my dreams of having collection were crushed. I realized that even with precautions taken there is a shelf life to cannabis. This didn't all matter much at the time as I mentioned, I didn't have access to a diverse selection of bud even if I had the ability to afford it.
Fast forward 25 years and starting in home cultivation is as simple as 5 minutes on Amazon. My ability to obtain a diversity of bud has final arrived :smoking: When I first started growing I would save a small sample from each plant. I would put them in small Grove bags and seal them. After a 6-12 months I would dip back into the samples to provide more variety. Because I woulds shove them full in gram bags bud would be flat and it would age for sure and not be as good. To change up and kind of scratch that itch more as a collector, I got some amber jars, small Boveda packs and a case so I can lock up from slippery fingered grown in age but not manners kids. I mainly press most of my plants so before I start to press I fill one of these small jars to dip into for joints, bowls, etc.. Well I have one jar left and 2 plants upside and more in the wings. So I have to decide. Do I go bigger, getting more jars and a bigger case stretching out the age of my older stuff or do I smoke some damn bud and make room?

If I do smoke it which is what I am leaning towards, do I smoke oldest first or do I just pick what I want to smoke and what empties first empties? How long have you kept bud in jars at room temp for?
Thanks for reading!
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