Lighting The tale of Psycho and Green Princess (Northern Lights)


mad scientist
Jan 6, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Old school
Hello everybody!

Should we bring GN section back to life? It is a bit quiet here recently.

So, this is mine contribution!

This is a tale of Psycho and Green Princess.
I cannot hide that Green Princess is already special to me and everyday I am falling more and more in love with her. She is first born and if she keeps her throne it is rightly so!
But she had difficulties with her very first baby steps, all traped and wraped in a shell she came from. She underwent two surgeries, first to remove the shell she just couldn't get freed from and next day to unwrap a tiny membrane that prevented her to fully open to the sky and life. But she didnt seem coming back to life jet, so.. 3 more seeds are soaked in water and in no time Psycho was born. And he seems thirsty, very thirsty for all the greatness the Kingdom has to offer to him. He wants it all, indeed he aims to become Psycho the Great, the one and the only one, the Lord of Magic with all its untouchable powers!
But!!! The Kingom just happen to be too small for both Psycho and Green Princess to rule and thrive and indeed one of them has to die and this is how this story become..

I hope this story will turn good indeed and that it will inspire many more great stories to rise and thrive here. AFN have some chalenges recently, mainly technical, but it seems all is going to end good and soon we will have back our old good AFN as it used to be.
Here are the updates for those who missed the latest development with site issues and the upcoming solution:
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The grow is in 0.16 square meter space (40×40×160) with old good HS1 75w led grow light from GrowNorthern.
The earth is Bio Bizz Light Mix with Biotabs starter kit. The pot size is some 12L.
The light schedule is 24/00, I like to make it simple this time, plus plant should finnish few days earlier according to Mephisto Grow Guide.
Mine Telos 0006 is under the bed, I received it a year and a half ago, it is still unopen, its time has jet to come. But I love mine HS1 light, it has been a while since a last time I used it.
Hope we will have some good folks here to follow the story.
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The Green Princess


The Psycho


The Green Princess and the Psycho

The seeds are Northern Lights Auto from Nirvana. The incognito is the key word here so thats why good old Northern Lights as this strain is of low odor.

The Green Princess is in her day 6 since she poped up (4 days since she opened her first pair of leaves) and Psycho is day 2. Within a few days from now one of them will need to step out from the throne. I wish I could keep both of them but in that case both plants would suffer as they would batle ever and forever for space.



2 days ago Psycho was transplanted to 0.5l pot together with two other seedlings who were transplanted on their day 1. All 4 seeds were in the same big pot.

I have found out that if you remove just emerged seedling toward the end of their very first day with their first pair of leaves just opened or close to open, by carefuly removing the earth to relieve their tap roots you can take them out with their already 6-8 cm long roots and place them in another pot with dry earth and picked hole in it and than water it, they will not show any stress and will continue to grow just as it they werent removed. Maybe somebody will found this useful.

Psycho was pulled out with a bit of digging out the top level of the earth and so without its tap root and still did show the progress the same day in new pot. Perhaps a bit slowed down.


Psycho in the middle between two other seedlings. One of those seedlings will be given away.

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Day 8 for Green Princess


Psycho on the right next to another seedling which is developing very fast. Perhaps will keep them together with Green Princess, will make their small pots a bit bigger by simpe placing them on top of 1.4l new pots and let roots grow naturaly through holes which are enough big on those 0.5l pots. The idea is those two smaller seedlings to train heavely to grow in one single cola each without side branches so not to disturbe much Green Princess. And they should finnish faster so to have some smoke while waiting on Green Princess. The grow space is 0.16 square metters so lets see if everything can go as planed.

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Day 15 for Green Princess



My focus is on Princess, two smaller plants are here mainly because of my curiosity what kind of smoke and growth I can get from them. And I felt bad to trow them away anyway.



Those times of quarantine and all the time we have for ourselfs, or better to say in those times of no time, what better but to explore ourselfs and universe, to connect to nature and open forgoten third eye!
Nature is just too much generous to us and even more when we are aware of it.

Got 128g of fresh weight of Golden Teachers mushrooms, first time harvest ever, I doubt I will have second harvest with this kit as on 2-3 mushrooms caps got open and spores may caused contamination of grow kit.
But still more than happy with first successful farvest

