Outdoor the start to finish on my JEM grow

Sep 1, 2011
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hey guys and gals

well its time again to start some JEM'S this time i got the rest of my 25 soaking

this time going to do it properly and not stick them straight into ferted potting.

they will be going into organic mix and seed raising with no added ferts.will be just using balanced ph well oxy water untill they are alittle bigger then will be feeding seasol until transplanted into 5gallon grow bags where they will live there happy little lives lol.

will update when they start poopin there heads out.:D

hope yas pull up a chair and watch.
8 showed tails today planted straight into a mix of half organic mix and half seed starter soil.with no added FERTS lol.
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alittle pic update all but 3 showed tail today so straight outside they went:booya:.still havent given up on the last 3.

nice little addition to the pak house lol.if all goes well and its a nice sunny day tommorow they should all pop up.lets hope.

abit of a sad update.

20 sprouted but went out the smourning looks like the slugs are out only got 8 left.tried most of the home methods but there percistent little buggers.

will have to germ the last of my seeds which will be 15 pak's.

will still be doing a journal on here for the rest of my jems.
just the last few days we've had a fair bit of rain so it brought them out.

not happy but what can ya do.ya learn by ya mistakes.
sorry to hear mate - there have been plenty of slugs around and copped a few losses myself. all in all though mate looks like the pakhouse is fairing well.