Hello AFN... i am writing this because when i first started there wasnt a lot of info out there about an issue i sometimes see and did myself as a new grower.
How many of you use tap water to water your plants??? Most of us do. Its an inexpensive and easy way to water. Most hydro setups or sometimes coco tend to lean to RO water to avoid the small fluctuations that can be seen in tap water but for the soil grower tap water is a perfectly viable source of water. Most of the trace elements that are found in tap water can actually be benificial to out plants except the chlorine.
After the initial purchase of lights and tents the single most expensive thing for most of us and a never ending cost no matter the ammount, wether its organics or bottle nutes is the nutrients or the ammendments we use to feed the plants. And the most expensive part of that is the microbes.... the benificial bacteria, the fungi, all of the things we pay good money for to put in our root zone to allow make those nutrients more readily available to our plants and break down old dead matter.
I reccomend contacting your local water supplier to see exactly what chemical they use to treat your water with before wasting time with something like chlorimine that will not evap out but most cities and counties still use chlorine for this. If so i reccomend bubbling your water before mixing and adding you bennies for a minimum of 24 hrs. This will accomplish 2 things. When feeding it will be providing 100% 02 saturadted water to the root zone and we all know roots need oxgen to survive and thrive. Also it will evaporate the chlorine out od the water and not kill the bennies you are paying good money for to then just dump into a jug of water filled with chlorine and kill most of what you added.
Now i am not saying that if you put tap water directly into a jug, mix, and water you cannot grow a healthy plant. You can grow healthy plants and harvest flowers that way but to truly maximize the potential and protect the investments ( bennies) you are maming refrain from dumping your microbes into a bucket of fresh tap. You are wasting a lot of money.
Also i wanted to put out a few products i reccomend. There are tons and tons of benificial microbes and bacteria and fungi out there but a few that i have used stand out from the others. My top 2 are Recharge and mammoth P. The recharge is the most power packed total bennie package out there and very affordable. The mammoth P works wonders. Its super concentrated and i only use it in flower mainly because regardless of working it is kind of expensive.
Also some others for getting started i reccomend House and garden Roots excellurator gold. I use this while the seedling are still in rapid rooters or when just placed in the pot to sprout and every watering for the first 10 day.
Great white is a good product as well. It doesnt boast the same numbers as the recharge but to be honest nothing i have foind does.
Thanks for listenning please hit me up with any questions you may have or feel free to add anything you like to the comments.
P.s ill be back later to add some stuff and correct spelling lol