The perfect joint.

That was a cig filter she used to press it down. The thing she put in the J was what we call a crib. It's a little rolled up piece of cardboard. Keeps the end from clogging and the green out of your teeth.
They sell cigarette filters, small ones for people that roll their own, and I suspect adding one to a joint would keep it tidy... its not like with all that pot shes not gunna get stoned.
I call it a crutch. And depending on the situation ill roll it with or without. By myself, smoke on the way to work, ill roll a small one an use a crutch to keep it thick instead of toothpick stylee. But if I'm at a party, that makes it too easy for people to hoover that shit and burn a canoe out of my doob. So then I like no crutch. and if you are a shitty/dick joint smoker and like to try to smoke half of it it one hit, it just doesn't happen. Ill take a nice slow burn mid/firm roll.

Then again ill just have what she's serving thank you
We all got a name for the bits of carboard we roll up at base for added smoking plessure/not clogging or getting moist or to not waste weed at base. I was just sayin it didn't look like cardboard, but I shall happily watch it again.. a few times:brow:

Plus I've heard cig filters block out alot of the shit we want, besides the ash in our lungs. Old wive's tale perhaps.:peace:

EDIT: Had to rewatch first part to see carboard at right angle, F I was high but I blame them titties:drool:
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Having smoked plenty of emptied out cigarettes full of weed (filter attached) believe me when I say it still gets you PLENTY high!
this chick sure is sexy as hell, but 4 and a half minutes to roll a cone; fucking noob... as for the cardboard i too call them A crutch so ur not far off!