Extraction The One Hitter E-Juice

May 10, 2016
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In doing this Please exercise extreme caution when allowing the Ethanol to evaporate and putting it on a stove. Ethanol liquid and its vapor are extremely flammable so never bring it around open flames or faulty electrical work. Never do this on a gas stove!!!!!!!!!!!

Quick Wash Ethanol extract turned into (strong) E-Juice with Fastbuds LSD-25


1. Any amount of bud (I used just under and once)

2. Ever Clear or any grain alcohol 190 proof or more

3. Any glass cartridge (I used glass with 1.6mm holes)

4. Any size glass Pyrex pan

5. Small Pyrex dish

6. 5ml syringe with blunt needles and syringe plugs.

7. Mayson jar

8. A jar to strain the liquid in.

Step 1

Your going to want to chop or cut up the amount of premium bud desired. Don't grind it; this will prevent you from extracting too much chlorophyll, which in turn will make your end result dark green to black looking.


Step 2

Put your chopped/cut bud onto a mason jar with the lid on and put it in the freezer along with the ethanol (190 proof everclear) for 12-24 hrs. (I kept mine in there for 24)

Side Note: Before you do this you can decarboxylate the bud. I fell that this is unnecessary due to the fact that I will using it in an E-Pen rather then eating it.

Step 3

Take the bud in the Mason jar and the ethanol out of the freezer and fill the Mason jar with the bud until all of the bud is floating and you have a good ½ inch above it. Your going to let it sit for a full 3 min, wish some swilling/agitation periodically. After the 3min drain everything with a fine mush strainer (don’t press or crush the bud to try and extract everything, in doing this you will rupture the cell walls and cause an excess of waxes and chlorophyll in your end product)

In this case I used a medal drink shaker to help me pour it through the filter.


Step 4

Take your strained liquid and now strain it through an unbleached coffee filter. I like to change out the filter after each pour so that it speeds the process.


Step 5

Pour your filtered liquid into a pan/dish, just make sure its one that you can scrape everything easily off. Then just leave it out to evaporate. Now at this point you can do what ever you want to help the ethanol evaporated except put it on the heat. I say this because I want to keep as much of the terpenes as possible. ( I know that most people heat the liquid to evaporate faster, I just always end up with a much darker end product when doing this). In this case I set it on top of my fridge uncovered (you can drape a cheese cloth over the top to protect from foreign matter).


Step 6

After all of it has evaporated off and you don’t see anymore cloudy spots (using my heat trick) Scrape it all into a pile.

As you can see the liquid turned very cloudy, but do not be alarmed all this is, is very small oil droplets floating in the reaming water form the 190 proof grain alcohol. Once all of the water evaporates out and causing the oil to combine it will get clear. With a little help form heat you can get the shatter to become crystal clear.

CAUTION: do not heat the dish too long, if you start to see the oil buddle get it off and cool it down as fast as you can.


For my heat trick all I do is take this Pyrex dish and sit it on the stove. I heat it until I see the oil become less viscous and spread out. In doing this it will cause the oil to separate from the water causing the water to evaporate out.( you can see the separation take place as more water will appear) you will see that the dried cloudy spots become clear and you know all of the water (milky reside) has evaporated off.

This batch yielded oil and shatter as you can see the big globs of oil and everything around it is the clear shatter.


Scrapped all into the center


I transfered the shatter into parchment papper and melted it into this with heat from my fingers.


The O juice is the Polyethylene glycol from O.Pen Vape. The yield was not as great due to my mistack when drying the LSD-25 bud. Tipically you should get 20-15% of end product. I only got a 10% return. Not that i mind though, it still will fill my cartridge 5 times.


Step 7

Transfer it all into a smaller pyrex dish and heat everything until it all turns into a thick oil.

I keep this dish on an edge so that everything will pool into a nice little puddle.

Hey @iampepe try this method out and tell me what you think

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Step 8

Now this is where your product gets it potency and turns into a thick liquid for your glass cartridges. I found that 5 drops (PEG) : 0.5 grams (end product) works out the best for the 1.6mm holes. Now this is not set in stone, there are a lot of variables to consider when diluting it to the correct thickness. What I have found is that when your oil turns clear as if you can tell that it all has be dissolved into a perfect ration (equilibrium) you are done. Another way would be to cool it to room temp and see how it acts. If it resembles a warm honey or even a little thinner this would be perfect for these cartridges. (And again you are going to have to do one to two test runs to figure out the perfect consistency to match what E-pen and cartridge you are using) This took me 3 runs to get this perfected.

I added the PEG 5 drops at a time then let it cool to see the consistency. I did this until i reached 30 drops and saw uniformity

As you can see the liquid became clear with the 30 drops


Side Note:

For those that don’t know (PEG) is Polyethylene glycol and is used as a homogenizer (it allows the substances to combine so that it decreased it’s viscosity without the possibility of separation). I have found that it takes triple the amount to properly dilute you cannabis concentrate with a Vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol concoction to a point of equilibrium, thus decreasing its potency.

Step 9

Load your cartridge and enjoy.


Next to a Craft cartridge made my O.Pen Vape.



In doing this Please exercise extreme caution when allowing the Ethanol to evaporate and putting it on a stove. Ethanol liquid and its vapor are extremely flammable so never bring it around open flames or faulty electrical work. Never do this on a gas stove!!!!!!!!!!!

I have watched probably every video and read every form on doing this and after all of that I have tried to compile all of the best info I could for this method. In saying this if anyone would have anymore input or something new please comment.
Awesome bro! :slap:

Thank you for taking the time to share what you have learned. I've been searching for a way to make juice that works for months. Much appreciated!!!
I'll have to reread this a few times. I may try next weekend, B-day this weekend. I'll probably have questions....
Awesome bro! :slap:

Thank you for taking the time to share what you have learned. I've been searching for a way to make juice that works for months. Much appreciated!!!
I'll have to reread this a few times. I may try next weekend, B-day this weekend. I'll probably have questions....
Sounds good man.. Just let me know
Great tutorial .... How long does a cartridge last ?