Hey Witchy, you'll probably punish me with the size of your plant, never mind the fictional deities! [emoji6]
*giggles* Blasphemy! [emoji13] [emoji16] [emoji28] [emoji23]

And your plants have been too impressive, you may just beat me to the ground. I'll need all imaginary help I can get! Hahahaha

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I got new seeds today :

View attachment 698431

Organic Basil is what we are growing right ?? :crying::pass:
That's right! [emoji106] [emoji16]

I have some artichoke, tomatoes and watercress going here.


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[emoji106] up and running .. gz on the little un:greenthumb:

@witchyhour u promised she would wait :bighug:
She sure is! I see a bit of tap root trying to get out since yesterday. I moved her to my close upstairs, where it's warmer. I'm hoping that will help her not be so shy about popping out of the plug. [emoji121] [emoji6]

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I have some artichoke, tomatoes and watercress going here.

nice those are hopefully going outside or to greenhouse ? i can't imagine artichoke indoor :crying:

No beans today :cuss:... did the UK guys get lucky today ?

I might really have to start that basil in order to get any action here today :haha: