Hey brother I'm not sure what exactly what went down other than what I've read with your responses/quotes, but is it possible the context of what was said could have been taken wrong? On the internet we're at a disadvantage of not seeing body language, hearing tone, inflection, dramatic pause, etc. We don't make it a point to make people feel crappy or shitty about their growing, we ALL started new and we're ALL learning, even the master growers on here still learn stuff whether they admit it or not. If you felt attacked somehow, please say something right away (or it becomes passive aggression) or PM another moderator for help. Even AFN staff members have bad days from time to time, and while that's no excuse, we are human and we're even more human in wanting to make things right.

Hope you change your mind on the site brother, there is no better place on the net for what we do.