Indoor "The Mother Ship"

Aa-12+ dragons breath rounds = doves cooked by the time they hit the ground :crying:

ill take a remington any day goauto i haven't seen that lever judge wonder if they offer it in the stub nose pistol :WTF:

id like to have a saiga 12 myself cause you cant stop an ak action
snipes feeding schedule is as follows....

water is rain water and molasses is used as needed

week 1.5-2 1/4 tsp seagrow veg

week 2.5-3 1/2 tsp veg

week 3.5-4 1 tsp veg

week 4.5-5 1 tsp veg

week 5.5-6 1 tsp veg unless its a 60 day strain and stretch has stopped 1 tsp of bloom and 1/4 tsp hb

week 6.5-7 1 tsp veg " "

week 7.5-8 1 tsp bloom and 1/4tsp hb

week 8.5-9 1 tsp bloom and 1/4tsp hb

week 9.5-10 flush

week 10.5-11 flush

hey bud just checked my old notes should actually feed bloom at 1tsp per gallon for about 4 weeks or when vertical growth stopsand buds start to form :thumbs:

I use Jumpstart at 5ml a gallon throughout veg and bloom. It's an organic based biological plant stimulator...
I got this writeup: activates plant cell proliferation by utilizing the rhizosphere microorganism pathway-Mineral nutrient supply can strongly affect the root growth morphology, distribution of root system, and rhizosphere microorganisms. It has been known that certain bacteria can stimulate root growth considerably by production of pytohormones. The effects of the unique combination of nutrients in JumpStart stimulate rhizosphere bacteria population, in turn enhancing root growth and improving nutrient acquisition.
It has amino acids I'm told as well...I guess CDFA who registers retail fertilizer products won't allow any other Bvitamin to be listed on the labels sold in CA, yet Jumpstart has B2, B3, B5, & B6 ...I use it as a foliar at 10ml a gallon mixed with seaweed and fulvic...It works great on babies too...I had a friend who's AC's tripped at the electric panel and didn't know for the two days until he went back. Everything had looked hopelessly dead and his partner was adamant about pulling it all and getting new girls to start fresh. He tried the jumpstart at the "revival" dilution rate and used 15ml/gal and two watering's later later they ALL came back to life and thrived. I wish i had before pics, i just have the after shots...I liken it to Rapid Start due to the Alfalfa and it's claim to help the root zone in it as well, the naturally occurring hormones are abundant based on my plants response to just adding that additive to the mix...

Here you go fellas 1st post from our new friend, thats words From TDIBear from my GM JS thread
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Holyshit Ive Never. Fed that Much with Seagrow
Oh damn

Now wonderi cant make them asbig lol
Now its on

(CC X MD) X (PJ)
(CreamCarmel X MagicDragon) X (PurpleJem)

(CC X MD) X (purpJem) 001.jpg
(CC X MD) X (purpJem) 002.jpg
(CC X MD) X (purpJem) 003.jpg
(CC X MD) X (purpJem) 004.jpg
(CC X MD) X (purpJem) 005.jpg
Fully beaned up
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This should be called " Mind Eraser"
Those colors pop my favorite Higer Being
(CreamCarmel X MagicDragon) X (PurpleJem) :Cool:

I like the sounds of that!!

:High 5: