Indoor "The Mother Ship"

of the Mother Ship.

Rad, out door Sweet's, Auto Blue Berry 001.jpg
Snow Fruit
Rad, out door Sweet's, Auto Blue Berry 003.jpg
Cream Caramel
Rad, out door Sweet's, Auto Blue Berry 004.jpg
Cream Caramel
Rad, out door Sweet's, Auto Blue Berry 005.jpg
And I inherited this Purple Something I'll get the name again.
Rad, out door Sweet's, Auto Blue Berry 007.jpg
Will trans plant the smaller potted plants into 5 gallon air pots
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Looking Bushy ...Num Num ! :Hookah:

All I need is some 9v batteries

the next batch of CHEESUS is going Fem

C.S Generator has been fired up

C.S generator 001.jpg
C.S generator 002.jpg
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What is that and how does it work?

It is a colloidal silver generator and it works by using current flowing through silver electrodes causing tiny particles to become suspended in the surrounding water. The cs can be applied to female cannabis plants to make them create pollen sacs which in turn can be used to create all female seeds. Very interesting technique.

Good luck with your next project GoAuto