Indoor "The Mother Ship"

Photo Maddness
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Here hold still GoAuto while I give you a big ass :slap: for these beautiful girls. Thanks for sharing.
Here hold still GoAuto while I give you a big ass :slap: for these beautiful girls. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stopin by jayp.
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Got the Mh in, and some pics as she warmed up.
I have used a 150 watt HPS and a 100 Watt MH and a 70 Watt MH together and to be honest the one under the HPS was bigger and all the plants leaned toward the HPS. I guess its not an accurate test but that's just my :2cents:.

Soon I will have a new 250 watt HPS that I plan on using for all my grows I may get a conversion bulb but not sure.
congrats on the perfect germ :clap:

what size is the mh? what kind is it?

the madness looks great :smokebuds:
those seem pretty reasonably priced :thumbs: i really like this digilux hps with added blue spectrum Im running but 60-80 bucks is a bit steep for my empty pockets :D: