the green bandit
Outdoor gardening enthusiast
AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club
4th Year Anniversary
damn bugs.....I've been spraying with BT every few days but the catterpillers are persistent little bastards! Auto gorilla might be a right off, I think. Just about every bud has damage now.....real shame as she was a really nice plant! Will be building a shade house of some sort to help with temps and keep bugs out. The stunted cookies is startingto fatten up nicely ....I think another 10 days or so and she'll be done. If pillers stay persistent I will probably harvest her early as early bud is better than no bud! Th cookies in coco is going pretty well I think. Starting to show plenty of frost as she hhits bloom ...just hope I can keep the damn pillers out of her.
Auto gorilla
Coco cookies
The litlittle cookies
Auto gorilla
Coco cookies
The litlittle cookies