On my girl's day 1, I was trying to help [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] figure out which way was up and I snapped her in half. For shits and grins I took what was left and poked into the rooter. Lo and behold - 2 days later she lives and appears to be doing as well as her sisters.
On a different note, none of the other pips I popped to fill out the Wilma has come up. One of the SC cracked but as of this morning not up yet. It has looked like that for a couple of days. Will probably scrap them if not up this evening. Just as well as I'm chomping at the bit to try something new. Just got word that I got a new bean delivery today. Just got some White Crack, Gold Glue, & S.O.D.K.. Trouble will be deciding which one but I'm leaning towards White Crack.