Seed Stockers The Great British Blackberry Gum-Off.

Canna Coco A&B, Rhizotonic, Pk 13/14, Canna Enzym, Sensi Cal/Mag.

Right now i use 2 of 4 Tgl Star 55 Watt total 110 Watt 3500k

Schweet! I got an old HPS Street lamp. [emoji16] My nutes are Canna coco A&B, and some other random shit I chuck in from time to time.. mostly Dutchpro take root and Explode. Let’s see where it goes..

Best of luck bud.. I hope your competition plant is better than Wilee’s. [emoji23]
Scouser- noun. Pron~ (scowser)

A slang term for an untrustworthy person from the Merseyside area who usually dresses in cheap sportswear and Rockport Boots, unless they’re in court, in which case they wear their school uniform.

Often ginger and smelling slightly of fish, scousers can frequently be found eating out of bins or hanging off the wheels of cars, (moving, stationary or at traffic lights) brandishing a large spanner.

e.g. Fookinell man, that ‘scouser’ was trying to steal my wheels. Or..

I really hate ‘scousers’, they tried to sell my grandma for some crack.

Hope this helps,

Vlad. [emoji41]

Yeah ok. Her mum was Brit but came to the US after the war in 46 or 47. She used the term scouser but it simply meant a drunkard.
Who the fook is Ziggy Greaves, indeed ? [emoji23]

He was your role model, him and Gonch. If only they’d had a ginger scouser on Grange Hill, maybe you would have turned out better. [emoji23]
Can't get better than perfection you feckin farmer. Pam Eyres wannabe but your a lot lot lot you know fatter [emoji16]

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The wife was reading along and having chuckle over your bantering, but she asks one of you fine gentlemen (snigger snigger) for your definition of a scouser.
Definition of a scouser i
1 you can't marry your own family (yes vlad we mean you)
2 don't speak like a pirate
3 take the piss out of any one
And lastly just don't be like vlad [emoji16]hope that helps ducks [emoji16]

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Scouser- noun. Pron~ (scowser)

A slang term for an untrustworthy person from the Merseyside area who usually dresses in cheap sportswear and Rockport Boots, unless they’re in court, in which case they wear their school uniform.

Often ginger and smelling slightly of fish, scousers can frequently be found eating out of bins or hanging off the wheels of cars, (moving, stationary or at traffic lights) brandishing a large spanner.

e.g. Fookinell man, that ‘scouser’ was trying to steal my wheels. Or..

I really hate ‘scousers’, they tried to sell my grandma for some crack.

Hope this helps,

Vlad. [emoji41]
Merseyside area well fook you not everyone from Merseysides a scouser fook sake ya big wank puffin

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Looking good dude don't listen to vlad he was killing plants left right and centre till a kind hearted scouser helped him out the only thing he knows about coco is what i tell him [emoji16]

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OOooooOOOOOooooo! [emoji1330]

Somebody got out the wrong side of bed this morning! [emoji16]