New Grower The Glizzy Grow Season 1 ⛽️

Jul 25, 2022
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What’s up everyone? Finally decided to take the jump on my first grow journal. This is my first grow as well. Shoutout to @Slater for suggesting it. Looking forward to learning & improving on this journey. Will be updating weekly.


Type of Grow:
  1. Outdoors in Greenhouse (5’ x 3’ x 7’)
Strains/Pot Size:
  1. Crème De La Chem - 5 Gallon Fabric Pot
  2. Mango Smile - 5 Gallon Fabric Pot
  3. Purple Lemonade - 2 Gallon Self-Watering Pot
  4. Dark Devil - 5 Gallon Fabric Pot
  1. 60% Roots Organic on top
  2. 40% DNC Great Lakes Water Only Living Soil on bottom
  3. 1” of clay pebbles & perlite mix at bottom for aeration
  1. Coast of Maine Organic Plant Food with Lobster, Kelp, & Worm Castings - will use midway to end of veg
  2. Coast of Maine Fish Bone Meal: Buds & Bloom - will use during flowering
  3. Blue Planet Nutrients: Gold Shield Silica Supplement
  1. Nothing fancy. Good ole tap water pH’d at around 6.3
  1. Fan
  2. Temp/Humidity Sensor
  3. pH Up & pH Down
  4. Neem Oil
  5. pH Meter
Beneficial Insects
  • Ladybugs
Companion Plant
  • Mint (will transplant into bigger pot later)
Crème De La Chem
  • Seed planted on 7/29/22 (no pre-germination)
  • Seed sprouted on 8/1/22
  • Watered out of spray bottle for the first week
  • 5ml of Silica mixed into 32fl oz on 8/11/22. Fed 15oz of water/silica. (Picture Below Dated 8/12/22 - 1 week 4 Days old from sprout)
  • 2ml of Silica mixed into 1 gal on 8/19/22. Fed roughly 48 oz of water/silica. (Pictures below dates 8/19/22 - 2 weeks 4 Days old from sprout)
Mango Smile
  • Seed planted on 7/29/22 straight into soil
  • Seed sprouted on 8/2/22 with helmet head. Later that evening helmet head had been eaten off by ants (4 or 5 very small black ants) as well a some of the cotyledons. Later found out that the proteins from the lining of the seed can attract ants.
  • 5ml of Silica mixed into 32fl oz on 8/11/22. Fed 15oz of water. (Picture below dated 8/12/22 - 1 week 4 Days old from sprout)
  • Ant attack seemed to slow down growth a bit. I’d say due to some of its first leaves being eaten, it wasn’t able to photosynthesize as well. Doing well but not as good as the CDLC which is twice it’s size.
  • Also taking into account that Mango Smile typically takes longer to finish than CDLC, from what I’ve read. So that may also contribute to slower growth. Otherwise looks healthy.
  • 2ml of Silica mixed into 1 gal on 8/19/22. Fed roughly 48 oz of water/silica. (Pictures below are dated 8/19/22 - 2 weeks 4 Days old from sprout)
Purple Lemonade
  • Seed planted on 8/7/22 right into the soil
  • Seed sprouted on 8/10/22
  • Just lightly watered with spray bottle. (Picture below dated 8/12/22 - 2 days old from sprout)
  • 2ml of Silica mixed into 1 gal on 8/19/22. Fed roughly 20 oz of water/silica. (Pictures below dated 8/19/22 - 1 week 2 days old from sprout)
  • This is by far my fastest growing strain as of right now. From what I read it typically finishes in about 55-60 days or so. Guess they call em Fast Buds for a reason.
Dark Devil
  • Planted straight into soil on 8/18/22. Has yet to sprout.
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Your off to a great start and Slater is a brilliant grower so you can't go wrong there :d5: also it's nice to meet ya I'm Tom
Weekly Update:

CDLC & Mango Smile
  • Mix 2ml of Silica with 1 gallon of water. Fed pot with 30oz of water on 8/25/22
  • Top dressed CoM Organic Plant Food - 3tbsp on 8-25-22
  • CDLC is growing like a weed (literally lol)
  • Mango Smile is climbing along slowly, Mephisto’s strain behavior says she starts taking off during sex/preflower. We will see.
  • Also had a small bug issue on CDLC nothing major, but since it was daylight yesterday I used some Sevin powder on everything but Dark Devil, instead of Neem Oil. Will let that sit on for the next 24hours
  • CDLC has a faint smell. (Pictures below dated 8/26/22 - 3 weeks & 4 days since sprout)
Purple Lemonade
  • Mix 2ml of Silica with 1 gallon of water. Fed pot with 20oz of water
  • She’s coming along well, no complaints
  • Top dressed CoM Organic Plant Food - 2tbsp on 8-25-22 (Pictures below dated 8/26/22 - 2 weeks & 4 days since sprout)
Dark Devil
  • Mix 2ml of Silica with 1 gallon of water. Lightly sprayed 3 in diameter with water (Pictures below dated 8/26/22 - 4 days old)
Maybe it’s newbie worries, idk, wasn’t planning on top dressing so soon, but the top of the new growth started coming in lime green. Thought it might’ve been early signs of Calcium/Magnesium deficiency. Also Roots suggest you start adding nutrients around week 3. Being that the top 60% is Roots soil, I did a top dress. The CoM Plant Food is slow releasing & takes about a week. It’s has Calcium & Magnesium in it, along with other goodies they need. Great for Veg. Idk how deep the roots are, but once they hit the Great Lakes Living Soil, I should haven’t to top dress much. Maybe once in late veg/early flower & a few times through flower. Atleast that’s the game plan. I’m just hoping I read the signs correctly & didn’t just give my plants nute burn lol

The Biggest Update:
  • Since I felt the plants were growing a bit slow, and the days are slowly getting shorter. On top of the location of my greenhouse, which gets about half direct sunlight/half daylight (about 12 hours total, a lot of daylight/shade in the morning due to trees blocking Sun. Direct Sunlight is usually around 2pm-7pm ). I decided to get a grow light & turn the greenhouse into a hybrid. I ended up getting the Viparspectra p2000. Mainly using it on in conjunction with the sun, on cloudy days/about 6 extra hours at night
A few questions
  1. Right now I have the light set at about 18 inches from the foliage of the highest plant at 75%. Will that be fine for veg rn? I also have a the Dark Devil seedling under it as well, although it’s not as close to the light. Is it ok to keep her there? For now I’ll be monitoring the leaves.
  2. When should I fully blast them?
Thanks for the advice y’all! Any other tips, feel free throw em my way!


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Just topped the CDLC, hopefully she takes to it well. Will top Mango Smile when she gets a little bigger, especially since Mephisto’s Strain Guide states she can be manipulated heavy without slowing her down. Definitely doing LST on both a little later.
Hey y’all. Does anyone know what this is on the tip? Came home from work to find my girls like this. 3/4 of them have small spots/brownish-yellowing. I’m thinking it’s heat/light stress, although it could be nute burn. I gave a small top dressing a few days back. Wasn’t sure if the nutrients in the Roots had been absorbed yet. I let the LED’s up to 24 inches & turned it down to about 65%. Even though the greenhouse is covered in shade right now, I’m thinking about cutting the LED’s off until later. Advice?


Weekly Update:

Nothing major, a little LST & purchased a Apera pH60. Girls are doing fine, CDLC adjusted well to topping. Just watering at this point. Thanks for tapping in!


Girls are doing as well as to be expected. Purple Lemonade is flowering. Mango Smile & CDLC are pre-flowering. Hit all 3 with their first dose of buds & bloom. Dark Devil is in early veg.

They’ve really taking off in the past 10 days (since I last posted, honestly I’m shocked). I’m guessing I dialed in on my pH better with the Apera pen. Wish I would of made that investment in the beginning. They’d probably would of been bigger.

Ran into a problem with fungus gnats. Been using yellow stickies, silica (to build up resistance) & diatomaceous earth to combat. Letting the pot dry out more in between watering. Also purchased a pump sprayer so that I can dial in on watering better. I found that using a regular gallon jug, I tend to overwater.

Even though the CDLC took well to topping, it’s been hell trying to LST her. I think I messed up her shape (she looks weird as hell), leaves & more lol she’s stubborn & is getting bushy. I’ve snipped a few leaves that were blocking bud sites. My main goal now is to make sure she receives enough light to them. The hell with the eye appeal, as long as she’s healthy. Mango Smile & Purple Lemonde are taller & don’t have a lot of foliage, I’m guessing that’s the Sativa in them. Light is penetrating them well, so I don’t LST as much. Still got a lot to learn with LST.. not as easy to me.

Lastly I believe the Dark Devil may end up being my biggest & healthiest plant. She was the last to get planted, I’m taking all that I’ve learned from the previous 3 & putting it into her. Yields may not be that high, to early to tell, But I’m definitely having fun. If I get a Oz/plant or even less/more, I’m cool with that. The biggest accomplishment for me is that I grew them. Can focus on other goals later down the road.

Next grow will definitely be inside. Autoflowers tend to get bigger indoors from what I’m seeing, also I’ll have more control over the environment. Thanks for stopping by!
