Indoor The 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' Grow Thread

Ok, seriously?? I DONT UNDERSTAND!!!! lol
Sooo, now you wanna come out to play just when I'm about to give up on ya Brenda?! FUCK hahah.
I'm gonna go ahead and say that the soil just wasn't wet enough when I planted her...and then continued to be too dry. Cause I wasn't WATERING when the thing wasnt even out of the ground yet, just keeping the area around where I planted it moist.
So Wednesday after I posted, I decided to stick the accurate8 in there and read the soil moisture, which came back needle didn't even flinch dry, haha. So I gave her a pretty good amount of water, put her little house back on and then yesterday? BAM, a baby lol. So ok, lesson learned. The soil needs to be wetter (than it was) when I plant. Got it haha.

My other two bitches are doing good :) Healthy and they should be ;)

Vanilla Ice - 20150529_173750.jpg 20150529_173853.jpg

Bubbles- 20150529_173752.jpg 20150529_173915.jpg
Lol, I named one of my plants Brenda too, (she's in my HighRise photo thread), and I named the other Kay. Truth is K was Brenda's middle initial and I never knew what it really stood for, but she always joked and said it stood for kinky :rofl: hmmm, now that I think about it ... maybe it really was!!! :naughtystep:
Update Days 43 and 41..I believe lol They're real close either way.

Its been a hot minute since I last updated and a whole lot has happened. So the only question now, is where to start haha.

1- First and foremost, I don't have any recent pictures...Looks like the last ones I have are from about a week ago.

2- We only have 2 plants in the tent again.
- Sooo, lesson learned here lol. Brenda is no more :( She finally decides to pop her head out of the soil and then within a week, K and I noticed that the top of the soil was turning white. We tried looking at it with the loupe with no real success, so we decided better safe than sorry..because it looks like mold. And I'm about 90% sure its my fault. When I harvested the plant out of that pot a few months ago, I took a paper towel and sorta...dusted out any soil that was still clinging to the sides so I could paint it. Fast forward like...3 or 4 months, and I finally get around to painting it. And being COMPLETELY oblivious to the fact that I never actually washed the pot, I threw new soil in and planted the Double Diesel. :baghead:
So I'm thinking that was the culprit, IF it was even mold, cause like I said, we don't know for sure. At first I thought the soil was just drying out, but it was still moist. So better safe then sorry - cause the last thing we need is mold spores flying around and infecting the other plants. But it was probably for the better, cause this tent cant handle another huge plant in it lol.

3- I broke Vanilla Ice.

- How? Beats the fuck outta me - though I do have an idea. I was taking her out to water and I THINK I lifted her up too much when I was pulling her out and caught the top of her on the light. Snapped a good third of her main stem right the fuck off. FML, right? I dont have any pictures of where it broke or the piece that broke because I was livid to the point where I threw my hands up and said fuck this, i quit. Told K I was just gonna go back to buying it and this that and the third and if he wanted to keep growing then he could take care of them, because dammit, I was D-O-N-E! lmao. That was when he politely reminded me - 'babe. shit happens', hahahahhahahaa. Luckily I did some LST on her and she's still got 4 main kolas left hahaha. I just hope too much damage wasn't done.

4- The plants are big as shit.
- lol no really. Huuuuuuuuuge. I think that Bubbles is actually bigger than Auto Acid...and she was big. So Bubbles is 2 or 3" shy of 3 feet, and Vanilla ice is an inch or two behind her. This is a terrible picture of them from the 6th lol so they're bigger now.

Thats all for now lol
I have a legit question that I'm hoping someone can help me with. And that question is - What do you do when you outgrow your tent??

Bubbles is H-U-G-E and has officially grown into the light...a few times. Luckily its an air cooled hood so she hasn't really suffered...yet..with, you know, the exception of being sufficiently smashed into the light lol. She is absolutely on the better side of 4ft..and we're OBVIOUSLY completely unprepared and taken aback by how massive she is. Why? No clue, because it's clearly stated in the strain information that it can go to 120cm...I guess I just never thought we'd end up with one this big...because now we're out of head room (side note: can someone tell me if there is a setting on my computer that automatically makes pictures right side up when you view them?? Because ever since I got this new laptop back in November, I swtg, every time i upload a picture to AFN its effing sideways. and it drives me BONKERS, so if someone can provide some insight there that'd be amaze-balls lol so im sorry you have to tilt your head to look at these pictures lol)
So this is the sitcheeayshun; this was a few days ago on the 12th btw....fuck you its all I've got lol -
dio.jpg 20150612_182904.jpg so now there is ZERO room to raise the light anymore because its pretty much smashed up against the filter at this point and bubbles is smashed up against the light lol WTF DOOO I DOOOO?! We've tried to keep her as far away as we can get her by tying her and sort of pulling her off to the side but...fuck QUIT BEING SO BIGGGG.
Whats up daweed! Plants growing mighty fine! Yur gonna have to do what I call emergency lst. That is where you get something to hold them back and keep them from the lights. I grabbed a basket and then bent the tops into it to hold back their top growth. I was like you and out of height. Heres what I did:


You can see some more inspiration here:

Be creative haha and just be careful but use something to hold them back a bit.
I know, I know..I've become preeeeeetty terrible at this whole ... journal thing lol.
IDK when or what happened though cause I used to be ON this grow journal shit lol
Oh well. C'est La Vie, right?

I haven't been taking nearly as many pictures either. Since Bubbles is so freakin' huge, and since I've already snapped Vanilla Ice essentially in half (which I'm SUPER sad about. Because holy HELL she smells so good and her buds are fucking F-R-O-S-T-Y. ), I prefer to not be the one to move them lol So the only time they really move is when they get watered, and since I refuse to move them I have K do it. And every time I'm up there, I find myself sans phone lol This is the last picture I have and it waaaasss......12 days ago lol

Luckily Bubbles is done growing because there really isn't anymore room lol K did some rearranging and somehow finagled it so that there is roughly 1"- 1.5" between the light and the top of her. And thank god it's an air cooled hood otherwise we'd be SUPER fucked lol. Because I seriously thought about trying to MacGuyver something so there would be more makes me really wish we'd invested in a Gorilla Grow Tent, cause they make height extension kits. But in that same thought though, who woulda thought i'd have ended ended up with a 4ft tall beast?

Also - does anyone know if Sour Bubbly is a heavy feeder?
July... October... does it really matter at this point in the game?

Didn't think so, cause like it or not....MZ W IS BACK IN THE HIZZ-OUSE lol
So yeah, I'm still here. They say I'm on the right side of the grass, but sometimes I

Now, I don't want you to think I'm only coming around because I have a problem, cause I've encountered a few...buuuut....COINCIDENTALLY lol I do have a problem. Well....sorta 2 lol.
So I've got a double diesel (lowlyfe) and Amphetamine (COTC). DD broke soil on 8/9 and Amphetamine on 8/13.
So..with DD, she got a flush around day 30, with only the last gallon of water being pH adjusted...and Bubbles (from the last grow) got the same. Well, apparently the pH was sitting up around 7 (on both bubbles and DD) and and I was oblivious to that fact (on both plants) until it was FAAR too late. I've got it under control now, but the damage is done... DD is completely yellow, with a looooooot of dead/and/dying leaves. And it's really unfortunate - because she smells in-fucking-credible and is so frosty it hurts me. But I suppose thats what I get for not paying attention/and/assuming lol
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Amphetamine. *le sigh* Idk what's going on here. I'm not posting in the Infirmary just yet, because I wanna see if I can figure it out on my own first....but probably not, so let me know what you think lol.
She's been uber healthy for the most part. I say for the most part because she was planted at the same time as DD but took an additional 4 days to pop...and I feel like DD popped 3 or 4 days after planting.. So she might even be a little stunted. *shrugs* The first thing I noticed was her tips going brown. And Ive had that happen before and @Waira told me it was indeed nute burn and to back off the concentration next feed. So I of course, assume the same thing happened with this one, and I backed off, and she was fine...i mean... her tips stayed burnt, but there were absolutely ZERO other symptoms and pH had been in check since Day 1 (i didn't flush Amphetamine)..until yesterday. I took them out of the tent to water, and noticed she was losing her lush, jungle green (lol) color. Then I noticed a bunch of discoloration and dying leaves =/ idk what the problem could be.
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Double Diesel - Day 64
Amphetamine - Day 60

The girls are doin' alright...all things considered lol
I'll be harvesting DD in about a week me thinks. Here's a tit bit o' DD bud porn for your entertainment pleasures lol
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Amphetamine is a hell of a plant - i'll give her that lol
DEAR LORD, the main cola on this thing lol

Bringing me to address my next section, which I'll entitle HEY WAIRA!! lol

@Waira - you said this to me in my infirmary post
"no K that I can see though- usually there's some sort of spotting/dead patches and margins with this,..."
Spotting like this? lol I have more pictures but I can only upload 10 pictures its telling me lol. So continue to read for more..AND learn about my super awesome new hobby! hahah
@Waira here are the rest of the pictures
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And now my super awesome new hobby. Because - lets be honest. It was KILLING you not knowing ;)
A few weeks ago I was at WalMart and I saw this As Seen on TV thing called the engraveitPRO. It was only 10 bucks so I figure yea what the hell, I'll give it a go. Some as seen on tv shit ends up being awesome. Well. This WAS awesome...for 10 minutes lmao. Story of my life lol
So I invest 20 bucks in a Dremel Engraver, which was awesome...for about 2 days, lol, before I realized I couldn't get anything but a diamond bit for it. And solely a diamond bit wasn't gonna cut it lol
Moral of the story here, lol, is I ended up buying a rotary tool and a Dremel Flex Shaft. which if youre too lazy to click the link and don't know, it's just an attachment on a flexible hose with a pen type thing for your bit so you can more easily carve/engrave shit.
so. I'm not great yet, so please dont make fun of me lol
20151002_155026.jpg <-- my little set up I made in my craft room.
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:bighug: Hey there Mz.W'! ...I see some nice sticky girls- :d5: I'll have you know I'm missing Baseball and football, just to get caught up here, for you!! :crying: What sacrifice, ay?- somebody loves ya,... :biggrin:
...I'll just roll down line by line here,... :drool:-very sugary bud shots! Nicely done GF -:clapper:.... that flush (actual flush, right?- as in lots of water poured through the soil, opposed to cleanse, no nutes, just water for several days+) stripped away what little lingering N was in the soil, so she's really tapping into her fans, sucking them down totally, and early,.. pH'ing your flush water, unless it's really off, isn't really necessary, and it wasn't the direct cause of the yellowing per se,... Are you mixing tap and RO or distilled, or straight tap, or straight RO/DI? I ask only to qualify my comment on pH some: if you use very hard tap water, that has major alkalinity, and thus high pH, you do better to dilute it with pure water(RO/DI) than struggle with pH down shit, fighting all those buffering minerals (CaCO3 mostly), and increasing the ppms to boot,... recall, it's the HCO3-, carbonate, that's involved with this, not the Ca,... conversely, recall that RO/DI water that's utterly stripped of minerals, etc., and even some regular drinking type bottled water/machine dispensed water, which will have very low ppms, that are prone to wild pH swings from even small inputs... I do this- :doh:-when I see peep's trying to pH adjust it, and how they puzzle over it's instability! Anyway, there's naught to be done about it now, it's cleanse time!...
>>> Amphie' looks to be loading up nicely with bud :eyebrows:.... yes, tip burn doesn't reverse, nor do many defc. symptoms; mostly what we look for is halting of symptoms,...I think N, Mg, S more commonly can show some color improvement though,... as for the leaf shots, I see a mild P defc. symptom; that red blush is a pretty common sign, often associated with cool night temps,... In any case, you can up the bloom nutes some (Sea Grow 4-26-26 right?), if you're feeding mildly currently,.... Check out this fairly recent sticky I put together at the Infirmary- ... combined with JM's text heavy Self Diagnose your Plants sticky, in the Tips, tricks section, you can get a solid stab at diagnostics!'ll see under P defc., bottom pics show lots of color expressed P defc.,...some of which can be genetic too though, so sometimes there's no telling! Any known history with the strain having color, or parents, can help decide,... Anyway, since P is mobile, and those leaves look N-tapped too, it follows that the P is getting removed, as is normal--up to a point of course! I've read that plants absorb and store a large part of the N they'll need for life (annuals) before they even flower,...? but clearly, that doesn't always work out (article stated this in passing, with little else qualifying that comment)... I often have early fan fading too, and I push the N as much as I dare, even to slight clawing,... but as the plant grows, the stores of N may fluctuate, and perhaps by late life, not quite enough is left,... you do notice, that nearly all bloom feeds have some N regardless! It's needed all through life, for it's many purposes, just doesn't get top billing during bloom,.. that's why I suggested a little blendy-blend with grow nute's, to stave off the worst of the tapping until you're close to done! then, F' it, let the fans go,... :smoking:
...:cool1:<-- (testing this bugger, it might be a bug; it shows as the thumbs-up cool emoti' when inserted, but when I post it changes to the one with sunglasses- :doh:... a bug to report to NortherGrower , who's the Man, who made this site for Aunty, BTW,.. or Sir Bot's, an IT pro as well!).... Soo, anyway, :cool1: LOL!-- yeah, the engraver/etcher is a damn coll gizmo, and I see you've put it to good use! Funny stuff, and well done too Mz.W'- :d5:..I have a similar Dremel set up! Knowing your creative penchants, I'm not surprised to see you found the first toys lacking,...:biggrin: and it might be a nice income booster too!... speaking of which, what's shakin' with Krumm's? Lordy, with edibles exploding in popularity, if you someplace legal, you could get in on that wave and Baa-aaank!! :eyebrows: :drool: .....okay, typed out for now,... I'll leave with this bun-warmer Rep' smack, since, alas, I can't do it in person,...*sniffff* :rofl: :slap: