Indoor The Devil and the Rose

Mental note: find a local farm, begin nightly raids for fresh cow turds.

Ahh this brings back some good ol memories from high school.. lol :roflcry: nearly threw up my first time and got a crazy weird stomach ache hahaha
Ahh this brings back some good ol memories from high school.. lol :roflcry: nearly threw up my first time and got a crazy weird stomach ache hahaha

If you can stomach the nasty-as-hell taste... Good times, holy shit!

be careful farmers shoot LOL..try going to good will get one five bucks..I see them all the time at the thrift store save money...

In this case, I just gotta bite the bullet and buy a new one. Checked the local thrift stores, and couldn't find a mini humidifier small enough to fit the space I have.

Tried to update last night, but Comcast is at it again with the crappy Internet speeds. Could barely get a damn page to load, let alone submit a post or upload pics. Nothing major to report anyways. Fed the ladies again, but this time, I gave them about a half a gallon each, and I used the same solution as I did for their first feed.

I'm at work, and these fools are making me work! Is there no justice in this world?!
Just looked through at Day 12 with yours is right about where i was at around day 14ish.

Looking good man another week we should know if shell be purp or not.
To the ganja gods. Please see it in your hearts to grant me purple buds. Do me this one solid, oh ganja gods, and I swear, I'll never harvest early, over water, nute burn, or neglect my plants ever!

:You are an Angel..:
To the ganja gods. Please see it in your hearts to grant me purple buds. Do me this one solid, oh ganja gods, and I swear, I'll never harvest early, over water, nute burn, or neglect my plants ever!

:You are an Angel..:

Promises promises.
Yeah, well you ain't growing then.

You know how, after a bad night of drinking, you're like, "I swear, Lord, I'll never touch another drink again, just please make the room stop spinning, and let these dry heaves go away...!", then 2 nights later you're back in the bottle again? Same principal here! LOL!

Promises promises.

...are meant to be broken!:devil:

Be fair warned. The ganja gods are less forgiving then the drinking gods. Cross them an they'll take your green thumb away. Lol